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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Wilbur's Peeves...

came back from Sanjay n Jasmin's wedding not too long ago :) it was a small lunch wedding affair at Grand Hyatt, what's different from the usual weddings is that half of the menu is chinese while the other half is north indian cuisine :) Jasmin wore a hot pink sari which complemented her skin really well :) it's a 1st seeing a chinese bride look so stunning in a sari =) so much so that when the royal couple was on stage, many of the guests actually went upfront with their own cameras to snap the couple :)

truly happy for both of them, have known jay since poly days and in fact we joined agd together... he is one good fren and for those who dont think that platonic friendship between a guy and gal can exist, eat your heart out! *grins* ...

i guess it all boils down to whether the individual knows exactly what he/she wants and the ability to genuinely think of others first, if you do, things will be less complicated sometimes and you dont continually hurt those who love you... that's why i have less tolerance for pple who do not want to make a decision and hem and haw 365 days thru the year... goddammit! know that u are making other pple's life miserable and worse if you are hurting those who love u... the appalling truth is that these pple are just plain selfish and have never really loved...

being nice but having lots of things kept from the other party is not love at all... i have been down this road before...

my take on love...

  • when u dont wish or have to hide things from each other
  • when you accept honesty and not be mad/upset when it is spoken
  • when even walking down the street somehow he/she will come to your mind and make u smile
  • when even he/she reeks of alcohol, it doesnt put u off but turns u on *guffaws*
  • when he/she can be shabby but you will look beyond the appearance and still find him/her attractive (erm, but that doesnt mean you can slack on looking good for your partner)
  • when both put in the same amount of effort in giving and taking to make the relationship work
  • when he/she doesnt need to give you the world but just a cuddle, a kiss, a pat on the head to make your day
  • when both make each other laugh

last but not least

  • the physical intimacy is great! *hysterical laughter*

Friday, November 28, 2008

The day Wilbur got a medal...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A toast to great friendship =)

here's Friday nite at Timbre... Ngak, the lead singer, was good plus it does help that his has charming eyes *grins* sf and william was kinda tired but i made them stay till the gig was over =p maybe me old liao, i find it kinda relaxing to just nuah on the seat whilst listening to a live band... but of course the band must be good lah... yay, i kinda jio all 3 of them to dress up for halloween next year ahahaha... CK now is an urban homme liao, maybe should nominate him for Cleo's 50 Most Eligible Bacholor *grins* how abt it, Bala? *hysterical laughter*

my saga with sofy came to a close, i gave her a full refund and took back all the stuff although i knew she had wanted to keep one of the item... before we met up, she could sms me to say her friends like my site blah blah blah and still hint in her email that hopefully she would be able to buy from me in future and but i guess after my stoic appearance when i collected the stuff back from her, she would have guess that this was not possible anymore... frankly, i'm not bias towards her handicap (hearing impaired) but the fact that she has such low emotional intelligent quotient... it's times like these tt i'm really thankful of all i have picked up from working in the office... it may not always have the most conducive of environment due to voldemort but at the same time i have manage to learn quite alot from her and i would be forever grateful to her for this... most times, i dont tend to agree to the voldemort's way of doing things but i have to admit she can be a good teacher at times... Wilbur is fair too, u know :) yes, fair, as i will speak good when i see or experience it, even if the person can be someone i dislike but of course there are still those who do not make any contribution to the life of others but think they know it all... these type only deserve to be derided... know that i too believe in karma and know that anything i say or do, i will get it back as well... this is call self-reflection and taking responsibility for my actions... only if you can handle the consequences and dont blame others other than yourself for the things u say or do, will you earn my respect, otherwise you are nothing but a speck of dust on my shoulder just waiting to be brushed off...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Wilbur takes a dig...

english is amazing... a simple word such as 'dig' can have a variety of meanings depending on the context it is used... but that's not the focus of this blog :)

i realised that have zero tolerance for the following:
  • those who put themselves as the most miserable creatures on this planet

"if ur life is not worse off than that 9-yr old gal in the show, Life Transformers, who have to tend to her bedridden mum which includes clearing her human waste, u are better off blind and deaf since you dont see and hear those who are 100 times worse off than you."

  • those who always put themselves before others

"it really thanks to u guys that i have friends."

  • those who complain incessantly where the volume of complaints far exceed the amount of effort they put into their work

"if you are not doing anything abt the situation (you claim is so terrible) you are in, just shut the f*** up and go get a life! you r even worse than a broken recorder cos we have to see ur freaking unpleasant face!"

  • those who try to imitate but fail miserably

"if you dont have the capability or the capacity, just dont, cos you only add to more hilarity which i seriously dont wish for it cos it means i will all the more see lucifer's flames at the end of the tunnel and not St Pete's light when i die"

such incredulous pple only deserve to be gibed and no way will they get any respect from me, not that they need my respect to con't living but just so they know never in my sane mind would i have such irksome pple as frens... the moment any thing is said from their mouth, i just feel like taking a swing at their head using the club from Captain Caveman... ooga ooga

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

An Ave Q song sung by Kate Monster =)

This is one of Hossan's fav song which he sung at his show :) and was what prompted me to watch Ave Q...

Kate Monster:
There's a fine, fine line between a lover and a friend;
There's a fine, fine line between reality and pretend;
And you never know 'til you reach the top if it was worth the uphill climb.
There's a fine, fine line between love
And a waste of time.

There's a fine, fine line between a fairy tale and a lie;
And there's a fine, fine line between "You're wonderful" and "Goodbye."
I guess if someone doesn't love you back it isn't such a crime,
But there's a fine, fine line between love
And a waste of your time.

And I don't have the time to waste on you anymore.
I don't think that you even know what you're looking for.
For my own sanity, I've got to close the door
And walk away...

There's a fine, fine line between together and not
And there's a fine, fine line between what you wanted and what you got.
You gotta go after the things you want while you're still in your prime...
There's a fine, fine line between love
And a waste of time.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Flea, Fie, Foe, Flop

my first ever participation in a flea market and maybe my last *sniggers*... it was a good experience though i din manage to sell anything, location, weather and crowd was what contributed to my virgin flop :) i'm seriously not downcast nor upset, it was a fun experience and i'm give myself a pat on the back for not doing too bad in displaying my wares when i have never done it before =)

weather was erratic from the start and when we got there at 11am (set-up time from 10am) dragon was snickering at those eager beavers stall owners who set-up pretty early but only to have their stuff covered with plastic sheets cos it was pouring, while they stood in the shelter looking forlorn =p both of us played it cool and read papers in the car while waiting for Sushi Tei to open its doors art 11.30am...

after my warm satisfying meal of the claypot udon and dragon's clam soup, sashimi, shisamo and salmon roe, we headed to the flea area with my barang barang... i was allotted a stall on the 2nd level which had shelter, good and bad cos on one hand i din have to worry too much abt the rain and the sun but on the other hand, the crowd was freaking miserable... oh well... it's one or the other :) so in the end, when we were not swatting flies, we were snickering at the stalls downstairs who were at the mercy of the teasing weather... we decided to pack up early and also made up our mind not to turn up the next day cos we figure the turnout would be equally bad and besides the hot and humid weather made both my arms erupt with heat rashes which was bloodie itchy (these usu last for a couple of days =() there are times when you know you have to pull out early cos it's pointless to persevere when the cons outweigh the returns lol... this applies to other areas in life such as friendship too ;)

i have mentioned before that for all the bad that happens, good does comes after as well... and *drum rolls* Love Happy Daisies is finally featured in the December issue of Seventeen! *wooohooo* i was simply ecstatic when i saw the page and was grinning from ear to ear that even would make the Cheshire cat's look like a frown *lol* but of course such advertisement comes with great responsibility so have to brace myself and be up on my feet =)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

just pics...

Found some pics in my comp and decided to upload them...

the cherry soaked rum cake from Pine Gardens which dragon bought for me birthday :)

A couple of our fav dishes when we go to Xin Hai Shan to eat =) it's a zi char shop located along east coast road, somewhere opp Holy Family...
<- pak chiong har i.e. plain boiled prawns best dipped in dark soy sauce with red cut chillies
sliced fish with spring onions
although it may not look appetising here, this plate of guiness pai ku is quite yummy :)
this is not from Xin Han Shan but from the chicken rice place next door... it's chicken feet salad, said to be good for complexion *grins*

dragon with clover...