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Friday, February 27, 2009

Wonders of Nature

have caught a few rainbows in SG but nothing beats this :)
was in m'sia many years back, caught something similar but that was amazingly near a full circle!

above are views from the spare room

continuation of the rainbow from the living room

yeah, one of nature wonders too heh... clover being kaypoh when she saw me gg to the window to take pics of the rainbow :)

below pics were taken from my mobile while walking home

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Goodbye, Warrick Brown

for once the stoic Grissom breaks down... a touching speech for which i felt the loss :(

cool tribute which made me tear...

"I never said thank you for that. I thought I might get one more chance"

the very 2 lines from the lyrics of this song that reminds us to live each day as if it were our last, that we should never hold back our words of love or gratitude to our frens and family...

Friday, February 20, 2009

www: what wilbur wants *chuckles*

the elusive par avion nikolette clutch i so desparately crave =p

carp diem

It goes by so quickly. In a flash, the life we knew is gone forever. And we're left to ask ourselves...How could he have left me ? When did my beauty start to fade ? Why has my friend changed ? Was I the best mother I could have been ? Of course, there are some people who understand how quickly Time passes. That's why they're so determined to get what they want before it's too late.

food for thot

...if you're willing to break up over an ice sculpture you guys should absolutely not get married. because who gets the choose the ice sculpture, who takes out the trash, who has to stay home and make the mini pizzas. That's the little stuff. What are you gonna do when the big stuff comes along? What are you gonna do when a tornado hits your house? or you have problems with your kids? or one of you gets cancer? At some point, the crap is going to hit the fan. and that is why now, before you make the commitment, you have to ask yourself. Is that person in bed next to you worth the trouble? do you love him or her so much that no disease, no disaster could possibly pull you apart?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Soba ni Iru ne (そばにいるね, "I'll be with you")

Wilbur, Dragon, Doggies

me taking after mummy winnie =)
her love for coit tower @ swensons

the mussles which i shared with NY was yummy! the cheese went well with my prawn salad =)

view from liang ct's carpark where lisa yelled "Hello, Singapore!"

which image is the real deal?
at macs bras basah at 2am after chit chat n a drink at insomnia@chijmes

after playing ball with daddy, winter totally thirsty lol
shy clover hates to have her pic taken =p

happy ah fat tries to chomp off daddy's nose kekeke =p

brown-hair gal with brown-eyed fattie

after dinner at sokhuthai@t2 changi

Friday, February 13, 2009

In the Mood for Love =)

For the hopeless romantics out there and to my one and only dragon...

Drew & Adam never fails to bring tears to my eyes and a smile to my face =)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Wilbur understands Wilbur better

To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.
This could explain why I can be a jerk to some...
  • You are strong-willed and self-confident. You are genuine. You like the motto 'what you see is what you get'. You appreciate people who are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in, and who do not pretend be something they are not.
  • You are sensitive to the emotional currents of others, yet you understand that people are responsible for their own happiness. You recognize that it is important to take time for yourself, and that it is not possible to please everyone.
  • You say what you feel. People may sometimes consider your actions insensitive, but you feel that you are doing them a favour by remaining authentic. If you find your friend's haircut to be bad, and that friend asks for your opinion, you will tell him or her you find the haircut to be bad.

Reaffirmation for those who already know me ;)

  • You are an explorer. You have broad interests, are curious and unconventional, welcome change, appreciate new approaches, and would generally be perceived as liberal.
  • You do not have rigid views about right and wrong, appropriate and inappropriate. You have a preference for novel, unfamiliar activities rather than traditional, practical activities, norms or conventions.
  • You have a rebellious side.

Part of the real me revealed...

  • Your mix between the traits of introversion and extroversion creates an interesting situation: extroverts tend to be more naturally active, expressive, social, and interested in many things, whereas introverts tend to be more reserved, reflective, private, and interested in fewer interactions, but with greater depth and focus. You manifest both tendencies and often waiver between the two, often for weeks at a time. This makes you interesting and unpredictable to many people.
  • While you do have a social side, being around large groups of people tends to reduce your energy reserves over time. You recover energy best by spending some time alone, by having space either physically or mentally. Many people are afraid of silence and of self-reflection. You are not.
  • You are observant and perceptive, viewing the world with a quiet understanding. Being so intensively observant of one's self and of others is often an automatic response - you do it without effort or intention. Your sensitivity to many stimuli, then, makes it that you need / prefer to limit your interactions, especially social. You are likely to have a select, small number of friends that you know well, rather than a large amount of acquaintances that you know only superficially.
  • You are comfortable exchanging emotional information and you are not afraid of commitment when the person is right for you. A problem might be that you have a soft spot for partners, friends, and colleagues who have a slightly avoidant or anxious attachment style. You like the challenge and the excitement of a person who seems a little distant or difficult, but this creates hard work for you in the end. It's important to you that people are warm and open regarding emotions, but not too open, complicated, or clingy.

Explanation to my rolex luvin' dragon

  • Those high in openess spend much of their income on clothing, travels, and entertainment, rather than saving or investing.
  • You can sometimes become 'caught up' by the moment- carried away by a feeling or impression. For example, if you go shopping, you may sometimes become inspired to buy things that you don't need, simply because it 'feels' like something you need at the time. Later, after putting some thought into the matter, you may realize that what you bought was not exactly the item that you needed or wanted.
  • Only child are in many ways similar to oldest child when it comes to family roles. The hopes and dreams of their parents fall on their shoulders already at a young age. Since they get more practice at interacting with adults than with other same-aged children, only child tend to be very strong-willed and determined, but not very concerned about keeping harmony. Main issue: They don't want to be dependent on anyone. Only children are self-contained units. You will recognize them by their lack of fear and their self-reliance. Positives: Only children are passionate and determined. Negatives: they are used to getting their way. They find it hard to compromise.
If you have trouble falling asleep, here's the full 90plus pages report of my personality lol...

Part of Wilbur's Heritage

My Grandma Emily's Bracelet

My Dad!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Wilbur's back after a real long break from blogging =)

thank God for weekends for without it i will most prob be driven insane by work... weekends give me a much needed break and lets me calm and psych myself up before Mon comes...

fri@work was the worst of the worse day that could ever happen since the i was posted to the branch... the cause?

fucking brainless, selfish, repulsive, abhorrent, hideous, horrid, loathsome, nasty, obnoxious, odious, off-putting, pugnacious, repellent, revolting, sickening, undesirable, unpleasant, unsightly, vile pple

i got out as early as i could though there were like 1,001 stuff to be completed, was seriously nauseated by the events that happened as well as how pple dealt with them...

thankfully i was meeting tee for dinner at ikea, bought a lot of food though there were only both of us - 6 pcs wings, 1 seafood salad, 10 pcs swedish meatballs (love the cranberry sauce!), 1 daim choc pie... in the end we had to ta pao 2 chix wings and the choc pie to tim's place where our annual mj session would take place =)

wasnt feeling particularly lucky considering i din have a good day at work, cabs were seriously scarce (are we really in recession??!!) and we were a bit gan chiong cos choon howe was waiting for us at redhill mrt bus stop to walk to tim's place but lo and behold, a passenger decided to alight right in front of the pavement we were standing on and we got a cab just like that! btw, a few unethical idiots actually walked in front of us to cut queue but looks like we had a last laugh heh =) when ur stars are shining, usu any attempts to thwart your plans will just fail as in this case =)

while walking with choonz to tim's place, we managed to bitch abt the idiot pple we had to encounter at our own offices, choonz is also a wabbit like me and predictions for our chinese zodiac is that we will be hard at work =( work is miserable for both of us cos of the pple at work... he lamented at all the pple are like in lala land which made me giggle cos this term had been used by me before... looks like pple really cannot make it now since most of my friends, including sf, experience the same in their own offices...

i always look forward to this time of the CNY when the 4 of us geriatric get together for crapping and really slow mj... there will be the usual wise-cracks, lame jokes, the superstitions to win *chuckles* yeah while i kept winning the initial rounds, choonz said it was cos i kept eating the pineapple tarts and started to eat them as well to 'wang4' lol =) our merry session ended at 330am, we used to be able to last throughout the nite and only stop like 6am but age is really catching me with tim, tee and me, choonz, who is forever 18, looked like he could con't though...

finally managed to get my citibank platinum cards from cityhall mrt, couldnt make it the past couple of days cos by the time i got off, it will be past the operating hrs of citibank =( .. sweet dragon drove and we ate at kenny's at suntec :) was afraid he would be grumpy knowing he hate crowds and kept repeating why din i request for the cards to be mailed =p he was a bit pissed when we got to citi cos there was this female customer who kept asking qns after qns that prevented the bank officer from serving us... i kept quiet the whole time not wanting to wake the hidden fury =p but he knew it wasnt my fault, after like 20mins, he started to burst out laughing, he was listening to the conversation btw the customer and bank officer and he couldnt believe the dumb qns the customer was asking... the customer ended her session shortly after (dragon credited it to his laughter which was directed at her =p)...

why am i so anxious with getting the citi cards?? so that i can make my online purchase from US sites lol (hmmm.. by the time dragon reads this, damages may have been done *chuckles*)