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Sunday, May 31, 2009

today was one of those relax weekends cos the pig had most of her chores done yest and she had a little more rest than usual :)

there was loads of people in PP today, was lucky tt we din have to wait long for lunch at jack's :)
me steak was well-done though both dragon and me ordered medium =p din bother changing it though cos din want it to go to waste (considering pple are starving in other parts of the world)

dragon was in a shoppin mood today, we bought a couple of clothes at esprit =)
the berms which dragon bought :)

i love it when i get into the changing room with him watching him try on clothes ;)
bought him a leather belt as a belated birthday pressie :) could imagine him pairing the belt with his jeans, long sleeved shirt and pointed shoes esp when he goes entertaining =) absolutely yummy ;P (dragon is afraid, very afraid hahahaha)

holding hands, sharing kisses and hugs - that's the life!



believe tt these are self-taken shots, now u know wat i mean when i say xj is gifted :)


blatant copiers are truly beneath me... convenience is one thing but it only shows the lack of personality when they adopt the monkey see, monkey do - an attempt to have a quick shot to be in the same league as moi. wtf.

mega mega yummy

Saturday, May 30, 2009

waking up in vegas

new love

the pig pleases, the pig muses

the pig asked dragon out for dinner but the dragon already had an appt...
the extract of the sms exchanges that followed :)

d: sorry baby i realli cannot push away cos customer is already infront of me...

p: u grab his cock la n frighten him off kekeke

d: ahahaha funny... hammer u then u know





(the rest of the exchanges thereafter are rated not suitable for all ages lol)

random quote oinked by the pig

"pity is the man who pities himself"

5 gals, 3 taiyakis & 1 japanese place =)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


M is for Mischief!

licence to carry?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

frustration fuels my addiction =s

was at far east just now and this converse was a steal! love the mint green and pink... only problem?! dont know when i will be wearing it!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Missing A Friend

eating this made me miss our carefree times back then when sf and me would always go shoppin and we ended up settling for wonton mee at heeren most of the time ;')

We were close friends
I believed you were sent from above
I knew I could count on you
For anything I needed
And when I needed you most
you were always there
till the day you found love
And had to move away
But I knew you still cared
For we still can be friends
Only from a distance
Through phones lines we'd talk
Did not make the difference
We were still friends
Even though long distance
I do miss our sleepovers
And the pranks you'd pull And our long talks and
Our laughs we used to share
And how you made me feel better
Just by being there
I miss you my friend
And I know you still care
We are friends forever
You and I
Friends till the end
The day I die

by Dana Hanon

dandy drew

peranakan inn

the quaint peranakan inn where i bumped into xj today :)

Sunday, May 24, 2009


ny's fave that she had it the 2nd time when we went back cos the 1st time she couldnt finish it lol... guess wat?! 2nd time also she cant finish *guffaws*

love the lush decor

think count and duchess =)

my fave macha kiss

alluring christina

colour splash!

amazing coincidence!

lunch today was baba inn. their food is to close to my dad's cooking and prices are reasonable. my tummy wasnt giving me an easy time and i had to hurriedly make my way to the loo right after i down the teh-O after a spicy meal lol.

dragon had settled the bill when i came out. i took my seat and was looking out at the glass entrance door when i saw a guy looking like he was about to come in. my attention turned to the guy next to him and lo and behold! it was xj! xj's fren was talking to him and they seemed to be deliberating whether to go in. i quickly stood up and made my way to the entrance when they were about to walk off... xj caught sight of me and he was totally in awe as well lol!

it was totally unexpected cos i met him for dinner yest! besides, what are the chances of bumping into a friend, who lives in cck, in one of the many peranakan eateries available in katong, and at the time when i was abt to leave the place?! such is a coincidence that makes you wonder and smile :)


depiction of the pig's feelings towards the dictatorship in the work environment
sometimes, instant death is definitely better than repeated taunts. constant belittling of those who truly possess the capabilities and talents is far more cruel than the gas chambers where death will come eventually and there is no mental torture.



the pig sums up the week

a long long post *grins*

yest evening xj asked me out for dinner at haji lane, he was famished and had hoped for me to reach before 8.30pm but naturally i was late lol. when i reached, i popped by coffeenations cos xj has wanted to get weiren out for dinner as well but rongzhang informed tat wr had left town and was in europe! (good if he is there for a break cos he deserves it :))

looked for xj in whiteroom, he was trying on a t-shirt, whiteroom has some pretty cool clothes and shoes, they mainly cater to guys i guess but the women clothes, though interesting din come cheap, a very plain tank could set you back at $89! we adjourned to blue jazz, 2nd level, the food was not too bad 'cept that if u are there, dont try the balls of fire cos it kinda taste like kfc's pop corn chix only more ex *grins*

xj showed me his jap trip photos and i learned a thing or two on how to go on budget trip =) his tic to jap and kh was only 500 bucks! xj is really talented in the photography department, the pics he took are truly avant garde and he was just using a digital cam! i admire him cos he knows how to enjoy life and dare to explore places alone. xj gets his fashion sense from his love of the jap culture and he carries it off very well!

did i mention tt he permed his hair? he got it done at this jap salon located at one of the upmarket chinatown shop houses, he mentioned that all the stylists are japs and it realli was authentic. will get the contact from him when it's time for a change in my style :)

i'm kinda glad tat ny got me to do a soft rebond cos i kinda think tt dragon likes it hee hee *winks* i was lucky to have found a salon tt could rebond and color all at the same time and they were willing to serve me though i had no prior appt and was there at 8.20pm (they originally closed at 8.30pm)!

my hair doesnt look so damaged cos treatment was included, paid $230 in total and it included a cut too :) ny accompanied me throughout and we had supper at TCC international building after i was done at abt 10.45pm. we chatted till 1am and she truly loves the place now cos of the victorian decor influence =) and guess wat?! she managed to become a member cos on friday, kang wei, lisa, weizhen, justin, ny and me were having dinner there. we kinda coaxed, or is it coerced? haha, lisa and wz to gg TCC IB but guess they din realli like the food =p

after dinner, justin, kw, ny and me decided to catch angels and demons and we watched it at shaw... i love the show! the plot was good, it was well-paced and the cinematography was absolutely amazing! hope to visit vatican city someday and preferably with dragon *hint hint*

there are some parts where i wanted to tear cos i understand the power of the Holy Spirit, after the movie, i was contemplating whether i should return to the catholic faith but i guess it is a commitment which i'm not ready for at the moment. i like what Cardinal Strauss said: "every man is a fraud, including me."

not too sure wat to have for lunch later =p last week dragon and i went to guan soon hoe for lunch, their timun sambal salad (cucumber appetiser) was good, the rest of the dishes were ok, the rumpa was tasty but some of the meats like the satay babi was a bit tough though =p,
maybe this week, our quest for a good peranakan makan place continues hee hee :)

i was a very bad bad pig this week cos i totally lost track of time and forgot about dragon's birthday =( i had remembered it past couple of weeks and had reminded myself but i guess work had gotten to me and i totally lost it. dragon was terribly understanding and din even kick up a fuss though initially he may had thot i was being 'naughty' =p nothing beats having the understanding of your love one when you are going thru a hell of emotions at work =)

ending here now cos sensing tt dragon might be displeased as he watching cartoon network alone =p

Thursday, May 21, 2009


was totally irate when i received a email from this guy who tried to be hero and defended his staff, while i applaude him for being a hero, he still deserves to be whacked for his stupidity to defend what he has no or little knowledge of...

blonde hero: "It is indeed approved by my staff. However, as it is being an urgent case, we need to do the approval 1st and anything that is incorrect will be recovered later. As such, a tic is being raised to this case, regarding the incorrect calculation. If in the 1st instance, the system did a correct calculation, we do not need to go through such a painful process. As such, the blame should not be directly pushed to us.

Hope this will clarify and make the matter clear."

the garang pig: "If the basis for approval is as what you had mentioned,
"we need to do the approval 1st and anything that is incorrect will be recovered later"
there would not be any need for user approval in the 1st place as the recovery process would had been automated i.e. auto-approved by the system.

A system is built on logic and can only present the facts as it sees it. The system had not computed incorrectly but have merely provided the options for the user to decide.
If the system can so be designed with the capabilities of the human mind, there would not be a need for the team to support the agencies, would it?

Approval comes with responsibility, which the lack of it has caused much inconvenience, time and effort to be spent from various parties. "

Monday, May 18, 2009


1st victim of swine flu all thanks to his other half *guffaws*

Sunday, May 17, 2009

russian ice cream ad

love vintage, love marie

my heart is with you

received an email from sf telling me that she is doing ok in hk and finds it exciting being in a new place... though a bit concern tt she is alone over there but am realli glad and happy she got this break, its a kind of feeling where my heart prays for her to be safe while it's smiling and sharing her joy =) she truly deserves the experience =)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

boys over flowers

this is one time where the koreans have bettered the japs :)


there's always something about disney movies that warms the heart =)

the pig's friday

celebrated alicia's farewell yest evening... dinner was buffet at ellenborough market cafe ( i din eat much but had loads of the durian puree dessert =p) and it was off to velvet/phuture =) it's was fun and laughter all nite long - a perfect friday nite out where we all of us were comfortable with each other and could let loose with all our crap talk...

alicia, anc, ny, justin and me reached velvet 1st and it was lucky anc had his citibank card with him so all of us got free entry by just completing a citibank online mailing list :) ... we had a round of 'nothing' shooters *sniggers* whilst waiting for the rest to arrive... citi had a 1 for 4 promotion!

kel, wil, fiona, kw, wq came soon after and we realised that they had to pay for entry =p, apparently the priority queue for citi was not available and the free entry promo closed for the day.

after rounds of drinks (i had nearly a full jug of gin tonic to myself as they rest felt it was bitter hee hee, they preferred the whisky coke light/green tea), we proceeded to phuture but we stopped by the hot dog station located outside velvet cos most of us felt hungry and also wanted to ease the effects of the alcohol. so a few of us, including me :), ordered the dogs

it was absolutely yummy cos they used bratwurst sausages and it was equivalent to cafe standards! $5.50 was a resonable price to pay if you compare it to the dogs sold at the cinemas...

after clubbing we headed to geylang for dim sum before we called it a day at 4am =)

take care, alicia, guess it will be a while before we do this again but i'm sure we will always be able to banter when we meet =)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

chupa chups!


just give me forrest gump anytime! seriously, if i con't to deal with doofus pple, i most prob will resemble a luohan fish in no time - from the daily banging of my head against the walls!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009


we go through life each day hoping further down the road there will be something better that we will experience, so we dream of the future we want, the future that we look forward to keeps us going each day, but what happens when you realise that the future may never come and just be like the days that you are going through now where everything is mundane and routined?

what happens then?

that's where you lose your spirit and will to live weakens day by day till the only future you look forward to is sleeping peacefully and never to wake up from the beautiful memories and dreams you once had.

new to the pig's stash of watches :p

airport shots

a postcard shot in mind :) deliberate attempt to blur the image =p

dragon taught me to get this shot while he was having a light at the carpark before heading home :)

comfort food for the pig...
dragon cancelled his fri appt to cheer me up :)
the lamp at our table in sukhothai