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Friday, July 31, 2009

screech, bang!

while blogging when i heard the familiar sounds of screeching tyres followed by a bang...
no surprises here, yet another accident at the junction... countless times liao and it seems to be happening at nite. usu the collusion would be btw with the vehicle coming from still road heading straight towards ecp and the other one turning right to marine parade road, the stretch where kc is... wassup with this junction man??!!!

my happy plush =D

an evening tea session :)

went to find mw after finishing the last bit of clearing the desk yesterday.
presented her the disney couple key chains and 1 not-so-fresh LBP over tea lol
the killiney kaya toast was nice, um, kinda prefer killiney to ya kun actually
we chatted quite a bit and we intend to go hk together next year :)

had a short pool session with her at the lounge...
it has been like maybe a couple of years since we last played together!
she has always been consistent while i'm always like tai ko one heh

later in the evening chatted with sf...
roaches invaded her home again hee hee
told her i might go back to hk by sep if tics are cheap
both jennifer and her will wait for me to go disney together =)
jennifer bringing her to shenzhen this sat, lucky gal! :)

nite shots

top and bottom :)

the next day after coming back from hk
took these shots whilst waiting to meet sf to pass her the lao por bing...
she couldnt get away from her meeting so waited abt an hr but it din matter cos i got rewarded with jenny cookies from her lol ;)

went to meet mum after and she walked with me to the office as i wanted to pass lisa the LBP as well, met nc, kelvin and wilson just outside the office building and intro mum to them heh
brought mum to paradise inn for dinner and ta pao the venison hor fan for dad... earlier in the day, he was involved in a scuffle with a male passenger on the mrt and heard from mum his face got it pretty bad. anyway the guy who hit him was taken away by the police. it all started with the guy accusing him of staring *roll eyes* if dad was younger, the guy wouldnt stand a chance. at least dad was sensible enough not to strike back. nope, i'm not fazed by this incident as if you had relived my teen years, this is nothing as compared to how it was back then :)

Live in Joy, in Peace,
Even among the troubled.
Look within.
Be still.

anway, dinner at paradise inn is definitely much more worth it than yung kee lor
dinner with mum cost a total of sgd50 while dinner at yung kee was sgd40 per person for the 3 of us for only 3 dishes =p
both tee and me agreed that yung kee is a bit overrated, he said that next time i should try cui hwa which is beside yung kee lol, it's where the nearby pub goers at lan kwai fong go for supper :)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

i love hats!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

welcome, Change!

finally! a different genre of music for the ndp song...
this one by electrico is cool, macham a bit of cold play influence :)


thank you for all the valuable lessons and teachings for which without i would not have become what i am today. words cannot express how grateful i am for the opportunities and exposure you have given me all these years. take care and a really big thank you...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

paul smith :)

gift to mummy :)

bought this from hk for abt sgd113 :) cheap, cheap!!

chio mouse

got this samsung pleomax optical mouse from HK as well lol
love that it's cheery and comfortable to use :)

Op Art

yeah, as much as i try not to like coach, their bags now are pretty fun and quirky...
it's a good move for them to to adopt the op-art approach which makes some of their bags not too 'auntie' and more funky
i shall make this op art bag my one and only coach to own... YEAH RITE! lol
getting this bag for sgd145...

here are some other op-art stuff which i find pretty :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

missing HK

aye, i'm getting lazy again ever since i came back from HK =p
missing HK cos over there, at least we were out daily and could work the calories off as we were practically walking every other minute... unlike SG, they dont really have escalators at every corner, it's just stairs and walkways :) thats why one could eat without feeling too guilty

Saturday, July 25, 2009

mini disneyland showcase at the peak :)

last chance harvey

caught this on the plane on my trip back to SG...
simple but nice movie that had me tearing =p

the conversation btw them at the pub/cafe was endearingly funnie :)
while the speech made by harvey at his daughter's wedding was awfully touching...

farewell, HK

saw this after clearing the not-so-friendly HK customs =p
i nearly missed the flight back to SG =p it was announced that the flight would be delayed so i took my time to walk to the gate but little did i know that the gate 65 is so damn bloodie far lor by the time i got to gate 30, an airport staff asked me whether i was taking the UA flight and when i said yes, he asked me to hurry as the doors were closing =p wah lao i quicken my pace and when i got to the gate, they still had to have my bags checked...
i was walking towards the plane entrance when i saw them closing the doors, the airport staff quickly alerted the airline crew and i made it just in time phew!
as i had loads of stuff, i nearly brushed against those who were already seated and they looked disturbed =p i realised later i had entered from either the business or 1st class entrance lol

anyway, when i finally found my seat, a kind SG uncle helped me with my bag when he saw that i was struggling to stuff it in the overhead cabin... he later offered me the ear plugs which was given out before i came saying that he din require it :) super nice uncle and please hor he is not the hum sup kind if that is what u guys are thinking =p cos i know when i see one

the uncle also offered his assistance to a cheena auntie who asked the pretty SG airline stewardess to help write her address on the declaration card... the auntie wasnt clear of the exact address in bedok but the uncle was familiar with bedok and provided the exact address for the air stewardess to write, the air stewardess joke that how come he know the address better than the auntie :)

later when i getting ready to get down from the plane, i noticed a small notebook below the seat in front of mine, i picked it up and tapped the cheena auntie on her shoulder as she was sitting in that seat earlier, she affirmed that the notebook was hers and was super grateful as it contained her contacts in SG, she kept thanking me all the way even when i got out of the plane...
yeah, i'm not all that bad, i mean i do find cheenas irritating esp when the peace and quiet is broken with their loud shrill vocals or when they have no respect for people's privacy but i'm higher than that *takes a bow* lol

come fly with me :)

still sometime to HK mtr but what is good is that the led lights will indicate the distance travelled :)
view from the airport express train
in the airport on way to collect baggage... um find it a tad troublesome that the baggage claim is so far away from the landing area =p
touching down in HK
reaching HK soon


taking off

had this cheena man sitting beside me =p he almost set in my seat lor! kuku fella! he thot the seat was empty... anyway i din sleep throughout the entire nite as i was afraid i couldnt wake up and would miss my flight so i had runny nose on the flight when nearing HK, that goondu cheena thot i had h1n1 and i could sense him looking into my direction every now and then. wtf. if i was sick, i would be sniffing at the start of the flight lor =p