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Monday, August 31, 2009

delectable cakes =)

this pig loves the cakes from four leaves bakery
absolutely delightful!
dragon likes the cheesecake from here as well :)

mr & mrs crabs kekekeke

dinner at sin hai shan, katong
omg, this claw is humongous lor! we couldnt finish this pepper crab dish and had to ta pao it =p
today's pak chiong har was good =) prawns were superbly fresh!
my fave dish of tofu with rou shui, yummy!
the pepper crab when it came, untouched lol
dragon reading papers whilst waiting for the food to come... guess what the pig was doing?? taking photos of course whahahaha =)

robin williams, a league of his own =)

patch adams, an inspiration!

See what no one else sees.
See what everyone chooses not to see... out of fear, conformity or laziness.
See the whole world anew each day!

Arthur Mendelson, Patch Adams (1998)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

leave notice

tickle me funnie =)

love cacharel!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

madness mischief

i swear tt i will kena internal injury at work one of these days and it would be caused by my crazy colleagues lol...
one time the env was pretty quiet and we were all talking cock over our internal novell that i had to quickly run to the loo to contain my laughter =)
i had already let out a chuckle and if i did not leave my seat, i would likely get more funny stares from the unknowing parties kekekeke
madness mischief has come back once more after its long absence within =)

just a couple of days back we all were msn-ing and i laughed at my vaio screen much to the puzzlement of the doggies...
sy also said tt her parents thot she gila liao ahahahahaha =D

and the pig nods in agreement :)

a walk to remember :)

brought wb, ky and sy to timbre yest evening for a pizzas :)
for once i could get seats on a fri nite as we were there at 630pm =)
after dinner, i brought ky and sy to coffeenations but not before we explored the shops at haji lane :)

sy liked the turkish coffee and affogato she had :)
i had my ever fave strawberry smoothie, while ky had the honey cafe and we shared a choc lava with ice cream... was abt 1am when we left and had actually walked to the bus stand at bugis when all of us had the same crazy idea to walk back home lol but of course sy had suggested it heh... so the 3 amigos walked and walked and walked but not without stopping by benjamin sheares bridge and indoor stadium where ky and sy took some nite shots :)
i walked off my dinner and dessert and was pretty hungry so we stopped by the gas station at kallang where i got a pao and drink while sy got a drink =) was near 4am when i reached home.

as i was abt to fall asleep, my mobile rang... baby dragon was on the other end =) he was drunk and started babbling and it included him telling me he missed me kekekekeke
when i checked my mobile this morning, he had called me again at 5am but i guess i had already fell sound asleep to hear the phone ring =p
later in the day he called me, he couldnt rem what he had said to me the nite before and he din even noe he called me until he checked his hp for the number he dialed yest nite muhahahaha
oh well, he will be back from BKK soon :))

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

sy the incredible *eyes wide open*

the only person i know who can eat half a duck with rice for lunch and still din feel full =p apparently she can actually eat a whole duck for lunch!!! either she is incredible or she has a monster for a stomach hahahahhaha

no wonder daffy is scared lol

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

yorkshire pork steak

...juicy pork loin oven roasted to perfection, served with onion fondue & crushed apples in natural meat jus

it is as good as it sounds!
was a bit hesitant to order this initially yesterday ... cant picture onions together with apples =p but i'm so glad i did as the combination was deliciously inspiring :)


wee boon, KY, SY and me (more or less usual dinner kakis :)) had yummy pizzas at ricciotti for dinner
the wine was also on a 1-for-1 promo whether glass or bot
we each ordered a glass, then proceeded to share a bot and then 3 of us ended up with each taking a bot home heh
all 3 of us agreed tt it was the 1st time in our lives we had tasted red wine that was so easy on the throat =) simply divinely smooth and the price, bloodie reasonable! shall share the bot with dragon :)

one of the baker boys? heh

guess which of the baker boy caps i own? brown, black or both =)

si bei cantek wor!

trying so hard to refrain from buying this for myself!!!
so bloodie pretty lor!

the pig's akan datangs

  • most prob flying to HK on 11 Sep to utilise my disney tic kekekeke but will miss the halloween special which starts from 18 Sep *boo! hoo!* SF, hope this news cheers u ups =)

  • hossan leong talkshow on 7 Oct with lisa and NY

  • maybe joining SY for a paranormal visit to the cemetery (this one depending on my guts liao *gulpz*)

  • hopefully a double date for NY and me with the boys for halloween at nite safari heh

  • broadway beng on 5 Dec with lisa and NY

wanna catch the extraordinary v conference tt happens from 4 Sep too but we'll see, we'll see :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

summer fun II =)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

summer fun!


early halloween hahahaha =)

Saturday, August 22, 2009


these were the 2 bouquets which was presented at the farewell tea session last week for the 2 senior staff that were retiring...
si bei pretty wor!
i so much want to have these flowers for myself instead!

always pleasant =)

had problems this morning when i tried to place an order online with far east flora..
wanted to have a something to be delivered to MW today
called the hotline and was told tt i could either email or call to place the order which I did
they called and told me tt my order would reach her this evening :)

super impressed with far east flora... my encounters with them have always been pleasant as they are usu very accommodating :)
not to mention they are one of those with the most creative floral arrangements =)

this is what will be delivered to MW today
hope she has a speedy recovery :)

girls just wanna have fun ;)

hmmm... both shuying n i r from all girls schools
we are both crappy and we understand each others connotations muhahahaha
she kinda remind me of my sec sch buddy, lilian :)

it always gets better!

D though may be impatient but i got to experience her genuine care & compassion of others which truly touched me.
when you know tt you are part of the process to make people's lives a little bit better, staying back a little have never felt so fulfilling =)
i guess empowerment may sometimes be the key to work more meaningful :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

a cooking analogy

D kena bbqed which led to the frustration which led to the reprimanding =p
i.e. we were lightly sauteed, grilled in microwave and served shortly after

if it was voldemort, we would have been battered, dipped in hot oil for a prolonged period of deep frying till we become totally chaotah and not edible *snigger*

how's that for an analogy =)

ping pong pig kekeke

shuying invited me for a game of ping pong at the annex after work today :)
it was a last min jio heh
kam yoke was already playing with a colleague from the chinese translation section

shuying din perspire very much cos she just took the balls from where she was standing lol
she played table tennis like playing badminton waahahaha
well, i also not good also lor cos many times my shots were aimed towards their body parts =P not intentional of course!

all of us had a meal at streets (yeah upon my recommendation lol) before heading home =)
the chinese translation section colleague treated us to this meal =p wah lau pai say lor but payment was simply refused when all 3 of us offered... hmmm... it seems like a practice for pple to treat here... very generous wor.... all got ivy's character hee ;)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

good things come in threes =D

isnt that right, SF and NY?!
whahahahahahaha =)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

cant stop thinking of...

the fuchsia lace-up boots which i saw in HK H&M =( aarrgghh
it bears some similarities to this by dr martens :)

"i ate a butterfly for breakfast" =)

started to add more pple to tipic which is something like an internal msn
helps keep in touch with colleagues on other floors for work or just short chats :)
and mind u even the more senior staff *ahem, aunties* use tipic and some got FB somemore...
dont play play :)

couldnt find yvonne though, guess she might be on a diff network

though not much in contact with those outside our vatican walls but as always, it's the pple that fills up the otherwise would be boredom =)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

family, redefined

when blood of not your own is thicker than water
when love & kindness is rewarded without lack of sensibility

- dark wilbur -


the line of tolerance has been crossed
audacity turns love into brutality
the heart calls upon Malevolence
for reward of your mockery

pity will cease
and death of not my own
will set the peace

- dark wilbur -

Monday, August 17, 2009

Dragon the Guardian!

opposites do attract =)

ESTJ (Extraversion, Sensing, Thinking, Judgment)
You are practical, realistic, and matter-of-fact. You are decisive and quickly move to implement decisions. You organize projects and people to get things done, and focus on getting results in the most efficient way possible. You take care of routine details. You have a clear set of logical standards, systematically follow them and want others to also. You are forceful in implementing your plans. Famous people with your ESTJ personality include: President Lyndon B. Johnson, Harry S. Truman, John D. Rockefeller, Rev. Billy Graham and George W. Bush.

The Guardian

As an ESTJ, your primary mode of living is focused externally, where you deal with things rationally and logically. Your secondary mode is internal, where you take things in via your five senses in a literal, concrete fashion.

ESTJs live in a world of facts and concrete needs. They live in the present, with their eye constantly scanning their personal environment to make sure that everything is running smoothly and systematically. They honor traditions and laws, and have a clear set of standards and beliefs. They expect the same of others, and have no patience or understanding of individuals who do not value these systems. They value competence and efficiency, and like to see quick results for their efforts.

ESTJs are take-charge people. They have such a clear vision of the way that things should be, that they naturally step into leadership roles. They are self-confident and aggressive. They are extremely talented at devising systems and plans for action, and at being able to see what steps need to be taken to complete a specific task. They can sometimes be very demanding and critical, because they have such strongly held beliefs, and are likely to express themselves without reserve if they feel someone isn't meeting their standards. But at least their expressions can be taken at face-value, because the ESTJ is extremely straight-forward and honest.

The ESTJ is usually a model citizen, and pillar of the community. He or she takes their commitments seriously, and follows their own standards of "good citizenship" to the letter. ESTJ enjoys interacting with people, and likes to have fun. ESTJs can be very boisterous and fun at social events, especially activities which are focused on the family, community, or work.

The ESTJ needs to watch out for the tendency to be too rigid, and to become overly detail-oriented. Since they put a lot of weight in their own beliefs, it's important that they remember to value other people's input and opinions. If they neglect their Feeling side, they may have a problem with fulfilling other's needs for intimacy, and may unknowingly hurt people's feelings by applying logic and reason to situations which demand more emotional sensitivity.

When bogged down by stress, an ESTJ often feels isolated from others. They feel as if they are misunderstood and undervalued, and that their efforts are taken for granted. Although normally the ESTJ is very verbal and doesn't have any problem expressing themself, when under stress they have a hard time putting their feelings into words and communicating them to others.

ESTJs value security and social order above all else, and feel obligated to do all that they can to enhance and promote these goals. They will mow the lawn, vote, join the PTA, attend home owners association meetings, and generally do anything that they can to promote personal and social security.

The ESTJ puts forth a lot of effort in almost everything that they do. They will do everything that they think should be done in their job, marriage, and community with a good amount of energy. He or she is conscientious, practical, realistic, and dependable. While the ESTJ will dutifully do everything that is important to work towards a particular cause or goal, they might not naturally see or value the importance of goals which are outside of their practical scope. However, if the ESTJ is able to see the relevance of such goals to practical concerns, you can bet that they'll put every effort into understanding them and incorporating them into their quest for clarity and security.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

NDP Rally

PM Lee's inject of humour into his speeches always makes it easy for the ears :)

red riding hood =)