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Sunday, February 28, 2010

got milk??? lol

2 guys and 2 gals battle a plate of hot buffalo wings this evening at sunset bar & grill =)
we had the level 4 hotness and all of us teared lol and a while later our lips began to stung heh
ng yong wanted more but kelvin, dragon and me had quite enough of spice for the day hahahhaha =)
our mains of pork chops, pan fried fish and fish & chips wasnt too bad =)
before we had the erdinger to go along with our mains, kel, dragon and me had milk with our wings kekekeke
(L) it's a first time for any of us to have milk in a bar ;)
(L) the red devils *yikes*
(R) the wall of fame for the daredevils who had the level 35 hotness *hats off to u guys!!!*
(R) the alluring sunset that greeted us when we first arrived =)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

hauntingly beautiful =)

adorable ddung!!!

this works for me :)

it's a boy =)

thot of the name Caden yesterday while on my way home from office :)
Caden Tan?
suggested it to mw =) i sort of modify it from their consideration of Jaydon ;p
searched the webbie a while ago and apparently the name Caden comes from Welsh origin.
In Welsh, the meaning of Caden is Spirit of Battle =)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

a true poet

"If your everyday life seems poor, don’t blame it;
blame yourself;
admit to yourself that you are not enough of a poet to call forth its riches;
because for the creator there is no poverty and no indifferent place."
Rainer Maria Rilk

the mighty dragon visits!

while enjoying my char siew shao rou rice with wanfen and huijun at holland's hawker centre,
we were greeted with the deafening clanging of cymbals and the rhythmic beating of drums
this served as a prelude to the arrival of the most revered in chinese mythology =)
this mighty dragon visited various stalls to bring luck to the owners
what a rare sight for this patron! =)

ginger kitty is not all gingerly ;P

damn, my leg might have reminded this kitty of a delicious drumstick ><
she gently bit my leg not once but twice after sniffing

a shady deal? heh

20 bucks for this pair of shades from charles & keith :)
original cost? 53 bucks.

the power this cupcake has on me =p

was willing to walk over to katong for this though i was already quite near home and my bags were kinda taxing =p
but i caved in cos the sudden crave for everything with fries' strawberry cupcake was getting to me.
yeah, me weakling. heh.

munch, munch, munch

stuff i got from ikea alexandra today =)
now the craze for me is vanilla!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

"Seeing Red" by Wilbur

"Paparazzi" by Wilbur

it's tigger time =)

"Hanging Laundry" by Wilbur

Saturday, February 20, 2010

natural beauty =)

nope i dont know her but i like the personality she exudes just through the photos she takes =)
she looks like she neednt try too hard to have good takes =) she carries all the clothes so well!
wholesome goodness!

would there be anyone that is as good as yasmin ahmad was?

bally chic!

to the annoying imitator...

my diet plan?

was pretty much glued to the notebook for this the entire friday
i popped a couple of valrhona choc almonds and ate 8 meatballs for brunch
and had 6 mexican wings for dinner =p

has been a while since i ate the big mac :)

had this on thurs at the reunion :)

yesterday once more =)

qt arranged for a get together on thur :)
we ordered macs and ate in
stories, jokes and laughter were shared and i laughed so hard at one of sze hwee's story of crap in an LV paper bag tt i had cramps ;p
reached home abt 12am,
lucky thing i predicted tt i would be weary and had earlier applied for a day off on friday hee :)
thanks qitian & ben, soon khai, sze hwee & pei pei, ming hui, sin han, xiangjing, shufen, esther and weiren for a cosy reunion!
so looking fwd to next one!

Friday, February 19, 2010

huat, huat, huat!!! lol