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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Wilbur totally digs Mibun Salon

changed my hair color from the pinkish highlights to like brown with some greensish tone (alamak! dont focus on the 'greenish' word too much lah, its not some scary colour quite normal, really.) much to the relief of dragon boy who totally hated my prev hair color =P but when i went to the salon, the ang mo teenager totally liked my pink highlights, she was quite cute, she was sitting on the other side, blocked by the mirror, when leila commented that actually my highlights were nice, the teen popped her head from the side of the mirror a couple of times to see my hair...

SF says tt i siao always change hair color, she concern tt my hair will be spoiled lah, but i guess i just like to change my looks every now and then so that my life wont be so mundane... and maybe i'm making up for all the things i could not do when i was a teen... my dad was like hitler so i was pretty much controlled in my teens... wished to get a tattoo too but dragon boy wont hear of it =p ... somehow its true tt girls tend to fall guys who somehow turn out to have some traits of their dads hahaha... but it aint so bad now lah... i'm pretty alright with no having tattoos...

back to my title, i was looking to colour and trim my hair at a japanese salon cos i like the cuts i see in those jap mags... when searching thru yahoo, i was expecting a couple of hits (cos sze hwee mentioned b4 that central had a couple) but only found Mibun... frankly i was expecting some jap stylists when i walked into the salon, but there weren't any... my heart sank a little... there were a couple of ang mo customers and i was quite skeptical that i would get the jap haircut i wanted =p ... leila (the style director and my stylist) introduced herself... i was surprised that she was malay (and she din look anything like a typical scrawny, funky-hairdo stylist lor)... its not that i'm racist or anything but its really (to the power of 100) rare to see a female malay hair stylist... i only know got malay barbers lor... erm, back to the introduction... my mind was like "can she really gimme the jap cut?!" of course, i decided to just trust her... she asked me wat color i had in mind and what kind of cut... i told her anything she recommended would be fine... i think she not used to such a suay bian customer that for a momemt she seemed to be lost *grins*... i just told her i wanted a jap look and keep my hair length... btw, i did not ask for the price of the hair services so i really dont know how much i would end up paying... i was quite happy during the cutting and colouring process... coloring was not done by leila but a chinese stylist whom i forgot to ask her name (doofus me!)... but ectasy came when this chinese stylist washed my hair ... wah lao, i have nvr had such a estatic hair washing experience lor, the way she massaged my scalp, i like steam liao... thats y when she asked me whether i wanted treatment after like 15 mins of washing (which initially i told leila tt i din want) i just asked for the px ($80) and went ahead with the treatment... by that time, i told myself if the bill came to $300 i was alright with it... the final bill was $267 which i din feel the pinch cos i really enjoyed my time and i felt it was worth it!!!
they were professional and good!

leila is the only hair stylist in the salon, the chinese gal does more of coloring i guess... the salon is not big, only 4 seats i think so better to call and make appt b4 turning up :)

here's a conversation i found funny btw leila and an expat indian male customer
customer>> i want to keep my hair length and thickness
leila>> erm, then i dont seem to have anything to cut!
which is true lor... eventually i think she just cut the sides of this customer... some pple really got lots of money to spend...

btw, the treatment seems to be good too cos my hair doesnt feel broomstick-y now =)

dammit my sitting posture while typing is causing my spine to ache... crucio curse! arrggghhh...

wah steady for once i did a spell check and did not get any spelling mistakes...

btw, i'm good with dragon boy again... feels good tt i'm no more cranky and moody ... was sinking into depression a couple of weeks back... june says it might be the period messing wif my emotions cos of the hormones... damn... there should be some pill to boost my oestrogen level man...