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Friday, June 27, 2008

Wilbur's Roots

had dinner wif tee at miss clarity's at tanjong katong... tee was late and i was standing outside the cafe waiting... wasnt a good idea cos right smack opp the road was a pretty huge ktv lounge with a screaming neon sign... somehow it made the dick heads that walked past me think that i was waiting to be picked up *snarl* not tt i was dressed skimpyly lor... bunch of ass...

anyway, somehow those cheena uncles be it taxi driver or hawker somehow think tt all gals who dress up nicely i.e dress, make-up, pumps like v weak , dainty or got 'xiao jie' attitude... NOT all lor!!! couple of times when i'm in a dress, i feel that these hawker uncles think i 'xiao jie' so they have this look that seem to undermine my ability to carry my food by myself when i place an order... sheesh... if i note the sign that says 'self service', i would cary the food myself but some stupid uncle sometimes assume that i wont and once i place an order, they would immediately and grumpily remind me to carry my food... wtf... but guess cant blame them for thinking this way entirely cos i bet tt there would be some gu niangs that really yaya to these hawker uncles bah... wat to do?!

been a while (like a couple of years while haha) since i ate escargots... i used to have them at jack's place but after like eating them almost every week, i somehow stopped eating them... anyway, at clarity's we decided to order the snails... the seasoning was ok i guess but i wish they had more seasoning cos the inner part of the snail did not get the seasoning so a bit too original taste when i came to the end part *green* ... their food ok lah and prices i think r super reasonable :)

after makan, con't to chat with tee... good session as we talked abt being peranakan and how baba families all got problem one haha... i guess why i think differently is cos of my heritage and upbringing which is very unlike a typical pure chinese family... and maybe me being mixed with the different nationalities of my forefathers also play a part on why i'm a tad more open minded *grin*... sometimes i wish i could trace my family tree, it will be damn interesting lor ... dutch, english, indonesian, chinese, malay ... wah lao but my chest area have to take after the chinese trait *...* bian bian ...

geez, SH is leaving and literally on a jet plane (but maybe after a 1 year or so after he has grasp the practical :)) ... sure gonna miss having mr pakistani spikey head around but i'm truly happy for him tt he found his interest and maybe his calling :)total of 9 years man but he will haf good prospects if he can withstand the stress, pressure and demands of the job... ALL the BEST dude!

eye lid shutting down le... hope i can con't watever i had wanted to jot in the next week or so :) chiao for now!