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Friday, September 19, 2008

Wilbur.Timbre.Gin Tonic.

total 3 glasses of gin tonic for since yest... am i turning into an alcoholic? nah :) just social session with wq yest at timbre... was there again today with wq and keng ho... yest was pretty packed and i guess the reason was cause the band was good... today's crowd was pretty pathetic... the female filipino singer was just so-so... somehow i dont fancy females singing in clubs cos usu they dont get u in the mood like the boys do *shrugs* anyway, it was good to chill and having a basically talk cock session... helps relax the nerves which office tends to tense up :p took some pretty nice shots of fullerton too when heading home with the guys.... she's like the grander old dame compared to raffles hotel... maybe should have a walk in the premises when i get the chance...

yest's set-up for the signing ceremony was a damn rush thing as only one day to plan n set-up but lucky esther and weizhen was ard to provide suggestions and advice and made the event a pretty successful one :) though a bit stressful but i enjoyed the adrenalin rush of getting things in place... so much more certain tt i would maybe do ok as a wedding planner ;p

another day with many things lined up ahead... gotta proritise and take things a step and a time :) must be thankful i have a job :)