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Monday, October 27, 2008

Wilbur Raves!

went to yokeling's 2nd baby 1st month yest... her house was pretty cool as her hubby decorated the walls with framed pics of the family, some of which he took himself as he is an avid photographer, much like those ang mo houses u see on tv prog like 'one house, 2 looks', it's a 5-room flat at bishan but the prev owner did renovated it and it din even resemble a HDB flat when u walk into it, more like a little landed house =) they got it at a steal for $336k abt 3yrs ago... realli happy for yokeling tt things are gg well for her =) ... she is a really sweet fren that does the sms to ask how we are and all that... btw, her 2nd kid's name si bei chio wor -


What do u expect from parents who both are teachers *grins*. Her 1st 2yr old kid's name is Calen. Very cute kid and yoke seems to be frens with her kid rather than a mum :) she and hubby still do things together till now like cycle, backpack to BKK with kid in tow (she just put him on a sling when touring in BKK!) ... cool fren, cool life that my heart smiles for her =) i also caught sight of a framed collage of wedding photos tt wasnt in the album during her wedding... she has such model like looks and poses tt could beat those models in style wedding magazines hands down! btw, yoke's pure vegan chinese but she is dark-skinned by genes but her look is really alluring a bit like michelle saram... best thing abt her is there is no airs, simple yet charming...

steph is in Aceh and unable to come to the baby shower so only me and huiqing was there... 4 of us have been frens for the longest time - since pre-u. Though we rarely meet-up or chat, once we do get together, we are able to pick up where we last left off though it can be like a couple of years =) each of us chose different paths after school, steph - air stewardess; yoke - teacher, huiqing - in BP, but that din stop us from still being close frens... they are the ones that know every bit of my dirty little secrets *chuckles*... which brings to me to sum up a few traits of a good friend...

  • listens and doesnt judge as they understand they are not in the situation u are in
  • doesnt question the decisions u make and backs u all the way even if u fail
  • doesnt impose their ideas on you and forces you to take them as they accept who u are
  • readily offers a shoulder to cry on and offers help even when it means they have to make some personal sacrifices
  • is observant of your feelings and mood without the need to tell them and will usu know what to say or do to make u feel better
  • doesnt get upset over little issues such as not returning an sms etc as they understand you could be busy
  • frank without offending as u can sense they care and have well intentions

when both parties mutually fulfill the above, you become great pals and i'm thankful to have so many which makes up for some things i'm missing in my life such as closeness to family, having siblings etc ;)