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Saturday, June 6, 2009

colours & sights @ illuma

today was absolutely fabulous as for once, a couple of us had the office to ourselves the whole day *grins* =) definitely would welcome more exchanges heh

after work, ny and moi headed to illuma and both of us were snapping away like tourists in japan lol
she tried on a pair of harry potter glasses which made her look like a cool nerd, the pic is in my cam but i rather she post it since it's her pic :)

dinner was kinda fun cos it really felt like being in japan and they had this high tech ordering pen device where customers place the order themselves :)
after our main course, we got into a conversation with presumably the manager who came by to get some feedback. his subtle humor had professional sincerity which is why i dig gaily pple cos they exude style and confidence :)
um, this pic is the odd one out cos it's while i passed the coffeenations :)

hands up if u know wat i'm thinking =D

my dinner with ny :)

love the cartoon as it had french flair to it :)

macham like the cut-off came
alive wor