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Monday, January 5, 2009

This pig needs to get her hands burnt occassionally =p

haven't been catching grey's anatomy for sometime now... most of the time its cos of the timings it is shown on tv... managed to catch it today =) the stories always gets to me... i never fail to feel what the characters feel, esp their sadness, my heart usu feel their hurt too and i would tear... it's usu cos ultimately there would be a possibility of losing a loved one... at some point in my life, i had the same fear, no matter the difference in circumstances... i still have that fear but sometimes it takes a backseat and that's where i start taking things for granted again... yeah, it's not good and only when patience is wearing thin would i be jolted back into my senses but it would be a matter of time before i suffer a relapse =p

i need a good knock on the head. really.