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Saturday, January 30, 2010

christian louboutin

if i may one day own shoes from christian louboutin *dreamy look*

for those who share my love for brit humour lol =)

infectious song lol =)

lego inspires =)


dont think these tarts are available anywhere else :)
was eating at bistro with sy n temp staff, richard, the other day and nice eric, bistro's minder, recommended us to get the tarts.
he told us it was good and only one bottle was left!
eric gave us to try and was lucky that sy din wanna get cos she said it tasted almost similar to the ones her parents made.
so i managed to get the last bot =) if without the discount, it would have cost sgd30.

the pastry is baked to perfection, not hard but soft and crumbly =)
the pineapple jam has just the right amount of sweetness =) which is not too sweet lol
it has been a long time since i enjoyed such good tarts!

family are people who you enjoy spending time with =)

waited for albert, sy, ky and bk to finish their badminton game to join them for dinner :) though i have my gear in office, me getting lazier nowadays to join =p
besides, they are all quite good and serious when it comes to playing unlike the amateur and lazy me who dont bother to run to take a shot sometimes lol

uncle albert drove us to all to lavender to eat the famous pig organ's soup there...
sometimes, it's simple get-together meals like this that makes up for the times i dont have meals with my family... btw, albert is one hell of a driver for his age lol, this old man is always jovial and i hear from others that he loves his schnauzer, terry, the most lol... this post's pic kinda reminds me of albert ahahhahaa

Thursday, January 28, 2010

always on the dark side >=)

choc appreciation class yest was a blast
never knew choc, like wine, have many flavours
we tasted one of the world's most finest choc, it was divine.
godiva? is not even in this league when you have tried the real stuff.
have to thank nigel for arranging this session, it was truly an eye opener.

bought a couple of dark bars - out of the 3, 2 are vintage ones which i intend to give 1 to tee lol
milk chocs are no longer the thing for me... i have been lured to the darkest of the dark side >=)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

for every stupid action, there is an equal and opposite reaction

if you are at the top with brain size of a pea,
u are nothing but a mockery,
display your ignorant arrogance if you will,
and i will go in for the kill.

protect my territory i must,
especially when your actions are unjust,
pushing me over will never be easy,
for it is knowledge and not titles that have a hold on me.

{penned by a pissed wilbur}

Sunday, January 24, 2010

too much chicken?

friday's dinner munch: fried chicken from qiji
yesterday's meal: chicken mcspicy, chicken nuggets, curry chicken from dragon's mum
today's brunch: leftover curry chicken

according to Dr Peter D'Adamo, my blood type should avoid eating chicken, apparently it will lower my immunity =p
but its not easy getting other types of meat like pork cooked in the same way as chicken...
pork curry is only available in those jap curry houses
dont seem to know anywhere that sells pork burger except macs in hong kong?


yummy sticky chewy rice balls =)

i can eat this almost everyday!!!
we bought a pack of the frozen kosong tang yuan from cold storage last week
and dragon cooked them for me yest and today knowing how much i love to eat them =)
he specially bought pandan leaves for this purpose :)
hmmm... u can say he is a much better cook than me lol

bleah =S

so not a fan of this! eeeeeee

Saturday, January 23, 2010

eat, drink, sing and be merry =)

outings with fel and ny are always filled with laughs =)
we had dinner at sketches@bugis on thursday after getting a suitable white dress for fel's d&d =) she is going as cleopatra =) cool stuff! her bf joined for dinner too and thereafter kel joined us for chinese desserts lol

yesterday, joined the crazies for karaoke session after work at a place u wont believe where lol
it was kinda a hush hush mission as we din extend the invite to our dear grinch heh
some brought beer, wine and vodka, donuts, strawberries, apples
i contributed with chix wings and popiah and most were polished off by sy =p
their crooning filled the quiet air outside lol
the system and range of songs is impressive by my standards considering it was a non-commercial place heh

Thursday, January 21, 2010

there are always a couple in any organisation *shrugs*

what my internal msn displayed today:
"i ate a HAPPY meal, that's why i'm HAPPY.
if u can't take my HAPPINESS, pls go sue macs >=p"

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

gosh! i wanna have all of these!!!

coach's latest!

when you possess the doctrine of optimism, you gain even from mistakes =)

lord of the links: fellowship of the kinks =)

photos courtesy of jiahui =)

break of dawn =)

touched by an angel =)

me thinks he is worthy of the win as he has as much originality as david cook :)
ken lim by the way proves he is a real talent by writing this song :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

fun, fun, fun in the sun =)

there were like a million cameras so i got lazy and decided to just take a couple of shots and wait for the rest to publish for downloading heh

the sun was scorching but the reward of fun and camaraderie made it worthwhile =)
i missed a spot on my left shoulder while applying sun block and now suffering from sun burn *ouch!*