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Saturday, January 30, 2010

family are people who you enjoy spending time with =)

waited for albert, sy, ky and bk to finish their badminton game to join them for dinner :) though i have my gear in office, me getting lazier nowadays to join =p
besides, they are all quite good and serious when it comes to playing unlike the amateur and lazy me who dont bother to run to take a shot sometimes lol

uncle albert drove us to all to lavender to eat the famous pig organ's soup there...
sometimes, it's simple get-together meals like this that makes up for the times i dont have meals with my family... btw, albert is one hell of a driver for his age lol, this old man is always jovial and i hear from others that he loves his schnauzer, terry, the most lol... this post's pic kinda reminds me of albert ahahhahaa