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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

if it makes sense...

friends are like commodities while that special one is like a blue chip.

when u divide your love amongst your friends, you are less likely to be burnt if one friend turns out to be a bad deal cause you can just drop that friend without much loss and save that love for a new friend.

however, investment in a blue chip is different.
you would have put all your love into it, in hope to be rewarded with good returns.
there may be little setbacks here and there but the value of the chip remains relatively stable and you continue to hold on to it.

but when the chip starts to disappoint time and time again, it would set off alarm signals.
you have to make a tough decision of continuing with this investment in hope that things will turn out better or dropping the investment so as not to be hurt further.

chances are, we would continue to stick to the investment due to the factors of hope and fear.