was there with fiona to listen to fredrik haren's presentation :) some stuff i may have heard before but each time, there are new observations and discoveries incidentally, the finnish ambassador to sg was there for the talk as well
it seems like this was her song before her final moments
there are those who cannot understand why someone will choose to end their life over matters which they think may be trivial, but if you had been to the brink, you would understand... it doesnt mean that person is not strong but sometimes, when one has to continuously be strong in the eyes of others, they will cave. there are 2 sides to everyone. the face i put forth to the world outside is not the same as the face when i'm by myself. there needs to be a balance and when that balance falters, we become susceptible.
yes, it is a pity that melissa toh of temasek poly ended life because she is no longer around to bring joy to the people around her and contribute her talent to the world.
may angels lead you on, melissa. continue to bring joy to the heavens for you will no longer feel the dreaded sadness within you...
29 April 1945 - Liberation Day at Dachau "At 9:30 on the morning of April 29, 1945, the tanks of US 101st Tank Battalion reached the gates of the Dachau Concentration Camp, ending twelve years of forced captivity for the survivors of over two hundred thousand of Germany's "enemies of the state."
A moving scene in the episode of CSI: N.Y., “Yahrzeit,” written by Barbie Kligman and Peter Lenkov.
“As the number of survivors dwindle, Peter and I both feel the subject is more important than ever, particularly in terms of enlightening a new generation,” wrote Kligman.
Convicted forger A. Schiller was serving his time in Sing Sing prison in the late 1800s when guards found him dead in his cell. On his body they found seven regular straight pins whose heads measured the typical 47/1000ths of an inch or 1.17 millimeters in diameter. Under 500 magnification it was found that the tiny etchings seen on the heads of the pins were the words to The Lord's Prayer, which is 65 words and 254 letters long. Of the seven pins, six were silver and one was gold - the gold pin's prayer was flawless and a true masterpiece. Schiller had spent the last 25 years of his life creating the pins, using a tool too small to be seen by the naked eye. It is estimated that it took 1,863 sepatate carving strokes to make it. Schiller went blind because of his artwork.
(R) lovely blue skies with a hint of dark clouds :)
(L) finally had a chance to capture this view!
(R) cool & dangerous heh
(L) on our way to liang court :)
kakiage with rice and dragon's curry katsu udon after he added the chilli powder :)
couldnt finish the kakiage so we ta pao and it was then i realised the stalls are part of the tampopo group :)
(L) yesh! it's pork katsu udon again heh
(R) view of westin stamford under cloudless sky :)
(L) dragon din want me to capture him sniggering after i gave him 'the look' when he made a joke about the 3 elderly ladies crossing the road in front of us =p
(R) dragon found this amusing as it looked like she had a bush of hair growing from her back ;P
(L) waiting in car while dragon went to top-up his cashcard at tanjong katong 7 eleven
(R) waiting for dragon by the pavement after his dropped me off first before parking at the multi storey carpark
ships ahoy!
clover up to her mischief ;) instigating dragon to play wif her :)
was reading about tilt shifting earlier today and so coincidence that jiahui posted this pic in fb abt an hour ago! his 1st try at tilt shifting :) cool siah! realli look like miniatures!
shuying got this phone and it seems that serene and jh wants to get it and they hope to get me to change to this as well *grinz* the white version seems nice heh
had dinner with tee earlier at lerk thai :) he had wanted to try the baba king nonya deli but as we entered the place, the staff informed that they were closed! it was 8.15pm! it seems there were some screw up cos when tee called them, they said they close at 9pm... oh well *shrugs* (btw, dragon says the food at baba king is so-so though...)
anyway, we were lucky lerk thai welcomed us though they close at 8.30pm :) first thai at purvis street is definitely overrated! pricey mediocre food with sucky service *grunt*