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Friday, April 30, 2010

if you had been to the brink, you'll understand...

it seems like this was her song before her final moments

there are those who cannot understand why someone will choose to end their life over matters which they think may be trivial, but if you had been to the brink, you would understand... it doesnt mean that person is not strong but sometimes, when one has to continuously be strong in the eyes of others, they will cave. there are 2 sides to everyone. the face i put forth to the world outside is not the same as the face when i'm by myself. there needs to be a balance and when that balance falters, we become susceptible.

yes, it is a pity that melissa toh of temasek poly ended life because she is no longer around to bring joy to the people around her and contribute her talent to the world.

may angels lead you on, melissa.
continue to bring joy to the heavens for you will no longer feel the dreaded sadness within you...