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Sunday, October 17, 2010

wilbur's vedic reading ;p

Your Moon Sign is Scorpio

This combination gives you innate talent. You are clever and prone to take quick action. In addition, you have a take-charge personality and are fixed in purpose. You have great mental strength and can face adversity alone. The ability to make revolutionary changes and be a great reformer is also indicated in this combination. In addition, you would be very effective in leading and guiding others.
However, the Moon is debilitated in Scorpio and at its weakest position. Each planet is debilitated or at its weakest when it occupies a particular sign. This could make you very intense and sensitive. Emotions can be very volatile and you may be jealous, moody and harbor long-term anger.
Try not to get intimate too quickly in relationships, as well as being unable to break bad emotional attachments when needed, since both of these are indicated by this combination. You may be overly sensitive of being blamed or embarrassed and may express some self-isolating behavior.