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Monday, April 7, 2008

Wilbur takes a ride in the Silver Cab

it's cool that sbs came up with iris... knowing when the bus is coming helps me plan how to get to work in the fastest time possible esp when i always leave the house late =p ... of course sometimes there will b those days when i make the wrong decision and end up being late *shakes head* ... knowing that the buses will take a while to come, i decided to take a cab to work instead... was pretty lucky cos the taxi stand had a few cabs waiting and there was no queue which was pretty surprising considering today is a monday and everyone is always late and grabbing a cab on mondays *chuckles*
boarded a silver premier cab and though the journey wasnt exactly smooth cos uncle decided to brake hard a couple of times, i was impresssed with his seng mok-ness (astuteness)... he knew which lanes to take to avoid being stuck in the slow moving morning traffic and he did not compromise on safety as well... i managed to like get to office in 15 mins!!! steady pom pi pi i tell u... naturally i emailed a note of commendation to premier *proud look* ... being a libra, i v fair one hor will complain or commend, not like most pple who just complain...

i wasnt really late for work until i went to subway to grab a morning deli of ham and egg... wah lao, the person serving me was a bit slow lor and i was the only customer *slaps forehead* ... she did not know how to operate the cash register and use a calculator instead, which i was a bit amuse cos i only order 1 item and the cost was $3... i showed the 10% discount and she use the calculator to compute which is fine... when i gave her $4, she return change of $1.60... si bei blur leh, she lucky i honest and not blur, so i return her the excess change... geez...