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Monday, April 28, 2008

Wilbur's 2nd Life

seems like everyone into the 2nd life virtual game... i have kinda applied for the 2nd life id and password for ben and jerry's room but havent got down to trying it out yet and most prob wont cos my internet access is slow so most prob will tear my hair out waiting for the game to download... i can understand the fascination of the game, i mean u can be a nerd in real life but use a babe avatar in 2nd life and get laid and do wild unimaginable stuff *chuckles* it's a form of escapism which is fine but if you get too obsessed with it i.e. this being the real life that r leading then its super sad... there is so much to experience in the real world! maybe that's y we are lacking so much in social skills in today's society =(

maybe those militants who crave for power should be introduced to 2nd life... wars could be fought online hahah... still got bloodshed and gore but at least no real lives lost =p a far-fetched thot? well, tt is how i am lor... hippie who hopes for peace and tranquility in the world =)

actually my 2nd life is keeps me occupied already to wanna play 2nd life hahaha... my 2nd life is the life after work... during weekends, i dress very differently from the usual stifling work garb... sometimes i feel that gg to work for me is like acting... i have to assume a role of responsibility and maturity which is so adult... i hate having to be an adult 24-7... so boring and uncreative... no fun one... so thats why i let loose during the weekends - auntie dressed like teeny bopper *grins* ... i dont wanna loose that creative and imagination which i had more while i was a child... i have lost most of it and i cant afford to loose whatever of it i have left... i wanna stay fun and happy =) and it keeps me sane... thank god i still have frens who are like that!

most of pple at work dont see my other persona which is only apparent to dragon boy and my 2 huskies... i think they will be shocked lor... i'm pretty bad tempered and if you ever catch me in my worst, i may come across as crazy lor... haha... dragon boy is like that too... huge fight last weekend but we kissed and made up literally *laughs* ... it can be frustrating when a loved one dont see the effort you are taking to make the relationship work for the better and assume otherwise... but i guess when all tempers have cooled, and they are willing to listen, its amazing feeling when u finally manage to get your point across =) ... guess sometimes, the worst thing that spoils a relationship is assumption... but all's well if both hear each other out =)

bringing winter to the vet tmr... pretty worried for her as we noticed a growth at the joint of her front paw... no matter how angry i am with her, i still care for her... hope its benign *prays*...

getting the 2 darlings was a decision that i will never regret... they have brought me joy and companionship and at least my focus is shifted from mindless shopping of clothes and shoes to shopping goodies for them =) ... office aunties nag and nag abt me not wanting to have kids now... but at this current state, i'm happy having my doggies... nothing is missing in my life now... of course i do think abt having a kid but mostly cos i want to see how he/she will turn out with the combined look of dragon boy and me *lol* and nothing more... i dont wanna have kids with the hope of depending on them when i'm old and frail... dont tink it will happen lor when filial piety is taking a back seat in today's world... i cant stand parents who let their kids get away with murder, pampering them and at their beck and call... i have seen such scenarios and i really wanted to go up to the parents, whack the living senseless brain out of them and ask them 'what the hell is wrong with you??!!!'... if crime rates or abandon parents ever go up in the future, you know whom we have to thank for... dont get me started on parents who are rude, lack compassion and filial piety... i just hope they get what they deserve later on...

ok, enuf on anger topics =p gotta scoot now ... back is aching again... wassup??!!