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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Wilbur's Discernment

sf used to joke about being colleagues and frens... in mock anger she would always asked 'colleague or friend?' when we irritated her =) ... i kinda missed those times when sf, huat, xj were in office... they the 1st seriously fun and nice batch of accountants i have come across all these years... u cant even believe tt they are from ntu! they are really not your typical quiet sort of accountants... all that is left of their batch is SH... he is seriously super nice tt i have no qualms helping him no matter how busy i am... recently i kinda missed his presence in office... very much so yest... before u think tt i'm infatuated with him, i'm not!... i miss him as a fren...other than ivy and a few others whom i frequently bitch to in office, SH is the only one who i guess i can just open up to alot and really pepper my conversations with him with plenty of vulgarities =) ...

an incident yest revealed that really, there is a difference between those whom are real frens and just colleagues at work... a fren at work would offer to help u when they sense that you are stressed whilst a colleague would just be oblivious to the fact that u r so busy (although you explicitly tell them) and still not offer to do something which they are suppose to do in the 1st place...i was asked to offer suggestions for a birthday gift for c to give her on fri i.e tmr, of which i did and even provided the catalogue to f and p, later i was asked whether i could buy the gift but i said i was busy and suggested j to buy, j could not find the item online and p asked me how, i was super frustrated cos i would expect j to think of an alternative so i said tt i would buy ...f, p, and j all left by 630pm... would u fill totally upset if u were me? dont they think i dont want to leave early as well??!! but i have work and tons of email and now had to even get c's present!!! i left office at 11pm and din manage to get c's present until just now when i had the mind and time to browse thru the web... p, f and j is kinda closer to c but yet looks who is getting the gift??!!! still am disappointed and upset... i hate the fact tt i cant just be evil and not get the gift at all...

all these incidences have repercussions... so what if you observe religious practices?, it sometimes doesnt make u a better person, that's why like gil grissom i only believe in God and not religion... p and j are catholics but still the basic teachings of offering help to those in need are absent from their minds... p may be still young and sheltered so i may be quick to judge but j should display the behaviour of a catholic! j has been putting off some of the tasks that she is suppose to do for the past few months, it doesnt matter if she is the one solely getting the blame but she should know that she would get v i trouble as well...
some religions are just pulling pple in without giving pple time to think whether they ready to take on the roles and responsibility of being in the religion... for me, i dont think tt i'm ready, my shortcomings are still quite dominant but i take pride that i try my very best to be very aware of the pple and surroundings around me... i'm not perfect as i will still be mean to those i dislike but i will still be considerate like helping pple at work whenever i can, helping strangers pick up items they have dropped or standing aside for pple to walk ahead, thanking profusely for pple who hold the lift doors for me etc..
pple should only commit to a religion only when stop being selfish and can pray for others well-being as well... i wld think some pple just pray for themselves and not others ...

pets can be so much better than some humans i have encountered... they show gratitude back ...

sometimes work seems heavy but as long as you have frens at work, it helps to ease the stress and make life better...
if the pple i mentioned happen to read this blog, know that i'm not trying to make enemies but at least u should know why i'm pissed...