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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day 2 of the Pig's Orient Adventures - Astro Blasters!

this shot was after we got off the disney train (geez! i look fat waist-down =p) and waiting for the train to tung chung to grab dinner :) we were famished but sf was more so than me lol and i din spare her from my shoppin and photo-takin in disney though she was almost half-dead =p got my colleagues disney folders and it most was designs suited each of their character lol :)

we ate at delifrance in tung chung :) they had some special sets for citibank card holders and the portion was generous though our sets were on discounts :) sf ordered ham & cheese bake rice but they got the order wrong and prepared chicken curry bake rice instead but it was a good mistake as sf was kinda missing SG's food and the chicken curry tasted much like our local curry :) moreover, the supervisor who delivered the wrong order was very nice! she explained that they prepared wrongly and ask sf to try it 1st, if she din like it, they would replace it for her :) wow! talk abt quality service! this is superb!

after dinner, we went to the gigantic park n shop supermarket where i got my satin turquoise polo luggage for abt sgd120 =) wanted to get the mickey mouse ones under a diff brand but though the design was cute, the wt of the luggage was not to my favor lor cos it was already heavy and i could imagine how i would have to struggle if i had all my stuff in =p
anyway, i could decorate my new luggage with mickey stickers keekekekeke
boy! how i love the satin turquoise colour as it would be easily identifiable as not many pple would have the same colour =)
in SG, such unique colours are not easily available =p that's y i still love hk for its variety!
they have the market while we dont =p
leaving disneyland exhausted but happy :)
i could just watch this everyday!

sleeping beauty's castle beyond =)

the master at work =)

the 2nd time, my scores were amazingly kelong whahahaa tt sf couldnt believe her eyes =D the 1st score is hers *loud chuckles* we din managed to take the ride the 3rd time as there was a technical glitch. sf said my kelong scores caused the glitch whahahhahaa, eh sour grapes? *kidding!* =D
the evil emperor zurg
the laser gun :)
part of the entrance to buzz lightyear astro blasters! both sf and me love this ride tt we went for it twice! we would have gone for a 3rd or even 4th time if the ride din encounter a technical fault =( u get to shoot at targets and get points for it like an arcade but this is definitely much better and can be a stress reliever lol :)
i love this shot!
we were waiting in line to have our photo taken when a bunch of brownies who were 2 to 3 heads in front of us kept edging their friends who were not in queue to join them =s if it was 1 or 2 members it wouldnt have pissed us all but they seemed to have gotten the entire village to cut the queue! wth! anyway, what was funnie was that when it came to their turn to have their phot taken, the minnie chaperon announced tt minnie had to take a break and would be back 3mins later... we joked tt most prob minnie was terrified and was psyching herself up to face the dreaded moment of probable stench =p i wouldnt have been so evil if they have had the courtesy to ask the rest of us whether it was ok for their friends to join them, instead, they just seemed oblivious which all the more made most of us mad! hopefully their shot would have minnie covering her nose >=)
poor goofy who was not really popular as compared to mickey, minnie and winnie =p we had taken with pluto as well but that shot is in sf's camera :)
shadow of 2 babes whahahaaa
yummy ice-cream to cool us down in the hot hot weather
sights from the boat ride in a small, small world!
sign for the female washroom :)
sf's fave!
the sun was sorching but the parade was all worth it! we were lucky to be front in line and hence managed to get close-up shots =)

love this shot lol cos even though it's a partial headshot, one can tell who is character is =) and it's so up close and personal!

they really look so much like the toy soldiers in toy story! =)

um, somehow alice kinda look like a tranny oops! =p

dale, dale, dale!!!

ginormous mickey!
a female band crew! cool!

shadow of the minnie balloon the baby girl in pram beside sf was holding :) balloon initially blocked sf's view but lucky thing the kid's mum/aunt was thoughtful enough to pull the balloon aside :) the family was also eating hotdogs and having a cool drink which made us crave for the food but we couldnt leave our grandstand spot hahaha :)
cute filipino baby boy and gal :)

impatient and tired-looking school kids waiting for the parade to start heh

yups the shot is blurred but i think i look good like dat hhahahaha =)
wah, act cool lol =)

flowers in adventureland!

tarzan's lair which is only accessible by the big motor raft which is abit time wasting if u ask me cos the distance was really short =p

this is a fake baby ellie but looks damn real and it sprouts water as well lol :)

the festival of the lion king show :) we managed to make it in time for the 2pm show after running like mad when the crew told us to hurry as the showing was starting lol

these are actually the insides of the miniature house! amazing details man!
miniature house on display in one of the merchandise stores :)

this is cute lor as the sign is realli leading to a stanchart atm :)
bubble-blowing stitch!
the latest guide map and times guide =)

joked with sf tt this will be the face to show for pple who cannot make it whahahahaa =)

start of the halloween theme tt will run from sep 18 =p

saw this while making our way to the disneyland mtr line in central =) super cute!
brunch at macs! this ham and cheese sandwich was totally yummy! btw, hk macs is a bit diff as they serve chicken macoroni soup as well! sf also said tt hk's kfc sells portuguese egg tarts too!

after makan, we explored a bit of the area around where sf is staying and we managed to locate a clinic, laundry shop, tailor and some eateries =) good for sf as she hadnt had time to locate these places all these while :)

wanted to tailor a shirt but the seamstress wasnt too friendly and we had trouble communicating so decided against it lest the design didnt come out the way i wanted... a short-sleeved blouse would have costed sgd40 which isnt really cheap =p

we also went into a salon to had our brows neaten...
it seems tt in hk they dont like brows to be thin and whereas in SG, the beautician would usu trimmed mine to be thinner... which do i prefer? i seem to like thinner brows better but i like the way the stanley road hk beautician trimmed my brows during my last visit... it wasnt thin but it was just nice :) lol popped by her shop on my last day here but she wasnt free :p