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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

another movie made for the pig *glee*

what holds the keys to my...

home! :)

love thy neighbour =)

i'm lucky to have a good neighbour!

it's a practice for them to call out to me while i'm abt to go into my house, usu to alert me abt some stuff - like today was to tell me tt their bike (parked outside their house) was nearly stolen for a 2nd time and the alleged incident likely took place in broad daylight last sat!!!
such chit chats would usu last for an hour and all the time, we would be standing outside our doors lol

gave them a bottle of the wine which i bought from ricotti the other time =p
like to share things i find nice with good pple =)

the naruto episode which gave me goose bumps :)

goose bumps of excitement that is when naruto summons the chakra of the nine-tailed fox and beats neji whahahhahahaha
sugoi!!! :)
catching the reruns on tv which screens mon to fri at 11pm ;)

Monday, December 28, 2009

Wilbur would choose the life of an avatar

and follow the path of Eywa for the Sky people are selfish and ignorant, they will continue to destroy Mother...

"Everything is backwards now, like out there is the true world and in here is the dream."

Saturday, December 26, 2009

glued to the tv now for this =)

supper after midnite mass =)

(L) caught sight of this while walking home from siglap :)
wall mural at xin wang hk cafe *snigger*
my fave hk ice milk tea and tang yuan in crushed peanuts *yum yum*
the familiar cock motif which reminds of crockery of the olden days :)

winter time =)


only time a disaster movie can be funnie =)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry K-hristmas =)

love this pup!!!


havent got down to watching this yet but the song is touching n nice =)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

my christmas eve ritual

gg to bathe and will be off to church for midnite mass =)

christmas takes =)

my unique gift from NY =)
had lunch with her at the academy bistro yest where besides exchanging gifts, lunch was of course peppered with gossips lol

the choc truffle we shared was absolutely fabulous!
couldnt finish my wagyu steak though it was good as the portion was huge =p
NY had her sea bass fillet which she said was not bad =)

bought this log cake last minute yest evening
goddamn yummy man =)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

the grinch returns >=/

met tee at somerset cos i wanted to visit uniqlo's megastore at 313 as well as bring tee to eat the ramen at ken's

i seriously dont mind crowds but definitely not ones made up of doofus, inconsiderate, oblivious pple who hog the paths... these kind are enough to imagine myself on a rampage =s
seriously, some pple need passports to walk as well...
as with some drivers who are not born to drive, the same can be said for these pedestrians! bloodie nincompoots!!!

while jolly christmas music was playing in the background at orchard, one could hear the blaring horns of impatient drivers on the jammed road - such an irony isnt it?!
it is the the season to be jolly but it kinda seemed that the car horns were going "f**k lah lah lah lah lah lah lah lah" geez!

wasnt impressed with the uniqlo mega store.
in fact, mac's mega burger earns the 'mega' title better.
i'm sticking to uniqlo ion where the selection n layout is much better.
besides, the guys and gals are separated into 2 levels.

dislike some of the new malls at orchard.
they try to cramp as many stores as possible into a mall and the ridiculous thing is that you find the same stores in the other nearby malls as well.
wats the point in that??!!
opening branches nearby would be logical overseas as their market/population is much bigger as compared to ours... economics 101 my dear watson!!!

other countries have the luxury of space which makes shopping more enjoyable as pple dont get in your way
also, they keep the layout of the malls simple i.e either u walk in a square, figure 8 or circle but new malls here are like labyrinths! figuring out the location of the stores take like an hour off my shopping time!!! imagine chatuchak one after another!!! *roll eyes*

the one place which this grinch wasnt present was at ken's
had a good meal - me ate shoyu ramen n goyza while tee went for the shio ramen and rice ball lol =)

tap & bugsy =)

wat sy and ky got me =) love it!!!
1st time i came across such a cute stapler!
the wash basin is a paper clip holder lol

Monday, December 21, 2009

pressies for the crazies =)


a yellow bird flew and set on the window sill for abt a minute
have never witness this till today!

we always need a world of make-believe =)

coraline is a little similar to tim burton's
i guess tim's story would be more eccentric :)

just caught harry potter & the half blood prince.
i have yet to be disappointed by harry potter movies thus far =)
prefer the dialogues this time as some can be pretty witty and amusing :)

dragon was watching the inglorious bastards yest...
too much dialogue for my liking, it was watching it beside him tt made it more bearable :)

blu(e)-ray? =)

these are a few of my favourite things...

my new swatch skin lace drop which i got 40% off though the offer was only valid for airport staff =) and the sony vaio w which dragon bought and mickey so approve lol =)

sun.sand.sea.crap lol

we see the most gorgeous skies in december thanks to the rain :)
ate at beaulieu house, the food was mediocre (dragon says: "write down that i dont like the food!") the park view was however, nice!

though my tummy gave me real trouble lol, i stubbornly asked dragon to stop by ikea as i wanted to get the a-dollar-a-piece hotdogs for dinner =p
the brain almost had no hold on the arse hahahaha
and the heavens found a funnie way to tease me cos while walking towards our block from the carpark, we spotted 2 toilet bowls strangely located at the corner of the first block, as we walked further, we saw a woman quickly laying out toilet paper on the grass as her mutt crapped lol
seeing the sights, dragon broke out into hysterical laughter!!!
surely that couldnt have been a much better timing for the coincidences to happen??!!!
i had to control my laughter real badly else hell would break lose =s