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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

trotting tuesday lol

finally got my teeth checked n cleaned =))
lucky thing tt one of the ntuc denticare branches is located at parkway parade and best of all making a last min appt is sucha breeze!!!

i had set the alarm to go off at 7am but in the end i woke up at 11am =s
naturally i was like 20mins late for my dental appt... kena chided a bit by the nurse =p

manged to get quite a no. of things done today =))
  • visit dentist - checked.
  • ate lunch at bishamon - checked.
  • submit poo to dayspring - checked.
  • went to body massage at true spa (sms-ed wei ling at 1.30pm for a slot at 3.30pm and she got it done =)) - checked.
  • got disney brolly - checked.
  • paid bills - checked.
  • bought ear mite medication for doggies - checked.
  • apply for jcb card - checked.

the one thing i still havent got round to doing is gg for my medical exam =s
raffles hospital was super packed and the reception told me i would most prob be there like 2.5hrs... so i bailed and told them i wld come by most prob on a sat...

still got a couple more errands to run
  • get more disney brollies for me friends
  • call raffles medical to see whether T3 has x-ray facility