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Monday, December 21, 2009

sun.sand.sea.crap lol

we see the most gorgeous skies in december thanks to the rain :)
ate at beaulieu house, the food was mediocre (dragon says: "write down that i dont like the food!") the park view was however, nice!

though my tummy gave me real trouble lol, i stubbornly asked dragon to stop by ikea as i wanted to get the a-dollar-a-piece hotdogs for dinner =p
the brain almost had no hold on the arse hahahaha
and the heavens found a funnie way to tease me cos while walking towards our block from the carpark, we spotted 2 toilet bowls strangely located at the corner of the first block, as we walked further, we saw a woman quickly laying out toilet paper on the grass as her mutt crapped lol
seeing the sights, dragon broke out into hysterical laughter!!!
surely that couldnt have been a much better timing for the coincidences to happen??!!!
i had to control my laughter real badly else hell would break lose =s