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Saturday, May 22, 2010

it's been a real long time...

since i cooked!
got to make begedel patties & fry them! hee =)
btw, i overslept and was late by 45mins lol... wouldnt have been that late but cos traffic at marine parade was horrendous plus there were no cabs! in the end i took a bus which was a wise decision cos chef philip was nice and not as petty as i had assumed =p
was half expecting to see a black face chef greeting me when i walked in but nope! he was all smiles :)
got to pick up a whole lots of valuable tips from the class! cool!
chef is thinking of conducting a weekend class the next time and there will be morning marketing involved!!!
(L) the bungas i saw as i was walking out of the a-z building with tee :)
(R) the yummily sinful gula melaka sago made by chef! the sago is shiny thanks to 2 scoops of frothy egg white
(R) chef adding a bit of the mee rebus kwa to the mashed sweet potato so that it doesnt get lumpy when it is added to the gravy (yes! chef uses natural ingredients as far as possible :))
(L) a peek at the simmering mee rebus gravy :)
(L) the tombok tombok :)
(L) stirring in the gula meleka :)
(R) stirring the rendang gravy