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Saturday, February 9, 2008

wilbur's not-so-virgin blog

i nvr really understood the fascination with blogging but just recently it dawned on me that i would like to have something to jolt my memory when i grow old and starting losing my memory... sounds rather depressing and its not like i'm one foot in the grave or anything like that but these kind of thots just happens sometimes :)
i have a blog in friendster but i use it just to vent my frustrations once in a very blue moon... i decided to start a fresh new blog to kinda begin a new chapter in my life and also to improve my writing skills... its has been a while since i have done anything major report writing at work... at just most its writing minutes and well, that doesn't really improve the command of the english language ;p
cny just ended in a flash, was playing mj wif tee, tim and choon yesterday... they are my ex colleagues and its amazing how we dont keep in touch (other then tee) often during the year but we meet at each new year just the 4 of us to play mj... can u believe that we have done it for the past couple of years from when tim was a single guy staying in bedok and now he is married in bt merah? geez... i do hope we con't this tradition would last...
on the 1st day, i visited my parents, i realised that my dad is getting old... he used to be a hunky body in his younger days, muscles at calves... u know the works... now all that is gone... his legs were bloody skinny and his hair whiter than b4... its a wee bit upsetting to see your parents aged, you wished they din have to grow old... i din ge along with dad in my younger days... was chased out of the house in my early 20s and have nvr lived wif them eversince cos' i got married etc... we made up when i got married actually and i just visit them at every new year since...
tee just sms me that he is having itek tim with brandy for lunch... how i missed my dad's home-cooked food all these years! when i was a kid, i dread eating at home cos its the same dishes that my dad whipped up over and over again like itek tim, bawan, chap chye, kaki babi... how i craved for mac's then... now i seek peranakan dishes at restuarants just to get back that feeling (but my other half, dragon baby, is not big on peranakan food always, but still love him ;)) cos my dad to malas (lazy) to cook all these now that he is older... dont wanna tell him that i missed his cooking cos i dont want to trouble him...
btw, i got $300 ang pow from dad/mum... dragon baby says i'm v fortunate to have such parents cos he has to give his parents money instead hee hee... yeah, i must admit that the traditions in my family are a bit different :)
big in the news recently is edc sex romps wif the hk startlets... pple are like kicking such a fuss over it, tee thinks the traids might behind it (of course i joked that i din know that the triads are into the computer repairing industry :)) but whatever it is, i stand to benefit cos edc is in the buff haha... pple can comment that he is sick or the gals are slutty blah blah blah, but really it was done in pte, its just bad luck that this happened to them... seriously, i'm sure some pple do film their sex romps just for kicks and these pple can be very well be your closet frens... and who is to say that they are wrong? its their pte life anyway? its not like edc sold the pics for money?! pple should sit back and think and not just condemn straight up...
sigh, sat is gg to be over soon, soon it will be monday, how i wish tat i din have to work, maybe its being in the same company for the past 10 yrs that gets to me... dont find the challenge anymore... but i also dont see myself as being a go-getter, i dont have an ambition really... i day dream and imagine alot that if i feel if i really tell some of my frens they will just find that i'm not being practical... i guess it takes a nonsensical person to know me better :) my view in life is just to live each day as it comes and to be happy... shoes and clothes makes me happy when my loved ones are not able to be wif me... its spending time wif close frens and loved ones that brings warmth... but like any other person, i do can be notorious and spoil the day when i'm wif my loved one by being petty and picking a fight =p
winter is howling in the toilet... put her there cos she has been naughty by stepping on her pee pee... learned this trick from cable, its called a time-out session to teach the kid who is misbehaving... leave the kid in a room for a couple of mins when she is misbehaving, though winter is a doggie :p... clover is harassing me now... thinks she wants winter to come out... ok, will oblige her...
realised that i'm not very big on punctuations *chuckle* i'm one of those responsible for the bad behaviour of the panda who eats, shoots and leaves hahaha...
caught the re-run of harry potter and the sorcerer's stone on ch5, i must say its still as entertaining as ever, love the magical plot and daniel radcliff was so adorable, he fitted the part to a T! jk rowling is such a genius man!
leaving the blog here now... hope i can maintain it regularly :)