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Friday, February 15, 2008

wilbur is a clutz

realised that i'm a dum dum... i joined the contest for special preview to see the leap years on v day but i forgot to check my yahoo mail until 2day and lo and behold, i actually won a pair of tics but whats the use now... *wails in agony* *beats chest*
mediacorp should have called me to tell me that i won mah, really man, i'm sure that i'm not the only cuckoo who din turn up to collect the tics cos they din know they have won =p
well, no use crying over spilt milk... life goes on... at least i managed to watch Ananda Everingham in me, myself... a thai romance movie... on dvd... he is the shutters guy, would have like him better if i was in my teens haha... now i just adore my dragon boy... he is still the gorgeous one to me ...

just got off the phone wif mum not too long ago... aiyoh, she thot she had a good deal by taking a cheap loan from one of the non-local banks... she din need the extra cash but was sold the idea by the bank sales person of the low interest rates... she got chided by me cos if she din need the money why she want to pay $50 as a one-time fee plus $200 in interest to the bank?? a bit siao rite?? white white (bai bai) give $250 like that... tsk tsk

i cant seem to find rickshaw brand pu-er tea in the supermarkets these couple of days!!! wats up man??!!! damn frustrating... they have other brands lah, but seriously, pu-er is from china rite, so why would i buy a brand whose tea leaves are packed in sri lanka? alamak, where's the authencity of it then??? macam you go china, would you buy their tea tarik or roti prata? a bit salah if you ask me... where the freaking hell have all the rickshaw brand pu-er tea gone??!! i no choice went to buy tie guan yin...iron buddha in english... but that got me thinking guan yin is goddess mah, how come u become man??? really even celestial beings not spared from sexism... geez...