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Thursday, March 13, 2008


wanted to blog yest on the morton experience but was damn tired... sheesh, is age really catching up with me??!!!

went with eugenia and sze hwee to mortons... was my 1st time there... place was pretty packed with office pple... the kind who look like bankers etc... SH and E said that they were networking and stuff, yeah *shrugs* alright, just give me my free flow of sandwiches *grin*... had lychee martini with the sandwiches and order blue cheese fries... god! the cheese was really pungent for my liking (maybe thats' the the cheese is blue, cos its sad for being stinky *slaps my own face* really i should stop being corny!), but i think this dish would go well with white wine...

actually we made it to mortons at 6.40pm, a bit late hor but thats how our office pple is lor - late, late, late... anyway, both E & me were quite skeptical that the sandwiches would turn up (she kept saying its a myth haha) but SH kept his hope up but it began to waver when it was nearing 7 especially when we both gals were spewing skepticism (2 negative can make 1 positive, negative)... we had wanted to place our order at 7.15 when lo and behold! alleluia! (doubt God will approve of the usage of the word this way :p) the waiter came with a plate of sandwiches! of course we had to act act a bit so that we dont look like hungry vultures waiting to savage dead meat =)
when i sunk my teeth into the meat, damn! it was good! i mean its free so one would expect like little bits of meat lor, but nope, it was a full strip of juicy tasty meat that was done at medium...

on my way home, just thot that it was nice that though SH, E and myself dont seem to be close at work, we could like just makan together and chit chat... got to know E better, she's a cool kid (yes, i admit i'm old liao), been to places, variety of frens, independent gal, bubbly, doesnt have the typical chinese kind of thinking. she's from SMU... got me thinking tt if i ever ever have a kid, i wld want him/her to go SMU than NTU... think they make learning more fun and the pple dont turn out like zombies or have minds as thin as a 2mm sanitary pad ie. narrow (sorrie to my NTU frens, not saying that you guys are like that, but generally thats the trend i see)

been ignoring winter for the past 2 days, din call her name nor got close to her, she has been really naughty and drove me to the brink of depression man... so i choose to teach her a lesson by just treating that she doesnt really exist. clover has been a darling all these while... she has fatten up a bit as compared to the last couple of months when she was skinny... she is nicer to hug now and her fur is soft like a soft toy... i know both misses me much cos i get home late but winter chooses to irritate me to get affection, dont know when she will get it =p... i think she has like chinese blood in her though she is from Oz... she managed to climb over the fencing thats about my height!!! macham like those chinese acrobats... ingenious in a bad way lor...

managed to get myself into the 36 today, damn those brainless pple who dont move in, really inconsiderate and bloodie idiots... the ang mo lady who was behind me could not board so she suggested to the driver to open the rear door, he said he couldnt as the back rear ez link system is for exit only, so a nice chinese (as in china chinese) lady who was standing next to the entrance ez link machine offered to take the ez link cards of those who could not board and tap them on the machine before they proceeded to the rear. on hearing this, the driver got frustrated. in his exasperated tone he said that some people might not pass her the cards and just board the rear (in the sense, cheat)... before my mind could think less of him for being so inflexible, he added that he had been suspended before cos' some passengers complained to SBS that he allowed passengers to board from the rear... so much for being kind and understanding, huh! he tried to be nice but he got reprimanded in return cos' some ugly heartless passengers complain... its a vicious cycle i tell u... eventually some pple at my bus stop were left behind and the bus could not pick up passengers at the next 3 stops... while heading towards the expressway, i heard the driver talking a lady the intercom saying that his bus is full and he could not pick up passengers at 3 bus stops, the voice from the intercom replied that she noted and told him to tell the passengers that the next bus would come in like 5 mins... DUMB DUMB rite??!! hello, he already missed the stops, how he gonna tell the passengers? if she meant the passengers in his bus, then lagi best... can be in the guinness book of records for the stupidest person on the planet (i'm sure there will be lots of contenders cos say already mah, some pple stupid enough to want fame for this title), tell us for what??!!! so we can alight and board the next bus? come on la, pple taking bus no that rich one ok, or rather most of us v kiam siap one... and y we want to take the chance, later the bus also late (knowing how trusty SBS can be *snigger*)...

i dont mind staying in s'pore but its the pple that i hate... pple can be really unfriendly, no please and thank you and no smiles... they all got kiam pak bin (slap-me face)... the other day, Pauline hold the lift at our office building for 2 ladies after lunch, they walked right, oblivious of the kindness they experience, no word of thanks... i said "thank you would be good" but they din get it... aarrrggghhhh.... in a matter of time, nice pple will just cease here and we can be a clean, mean city... pple complain at the slightest things or worse is when they witness kindness (case in point, is the SBS driver story above).... why, why, why???!!! i really cannot fathom this behaviour... sigh...

btw, hell reopens tomorrow... nope it aint a movie... its just that voldemort is coming back from her trip from the rich land... oh well...