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Monday, March 31, 2008

Wilbur's Rule #1

only watch horror movies with me if you are not afraid to open ur eyes when the ghost is abt to appear any minute =) that's cause i will most prob ask you wat happen since i will be shutting my eye lids in anticipation of the ghostly appearance haha...

yes, i'm one of those pple who pays to be frightened haha... have been watching horror movies since i was a kid... of course when i was younger the imagination would tend to run really wild after seeing a horror film, my mind would picture a female long haired vengeful-looking momok outside my window when i'm at my bed and i would pull up my blanket over my head haha... now that i'm older (but not necessarily wiser *grins*) my imagination has sort of tone down a bit... i still picture a dark shadow etc but if shit happens, it happens lor... maybe thats y i like brightness as oppose to dragon boy who prefers really really dim lights or none at all =p (sometimes i wonder whether he's a descendant of some vampire clan kekeke)... i have in my teens experienced some weird encounters when i was staying in the shunfu flat with my parents maybe the house not 'clean' ... i somehow think u can feel if a house is ok or not... in my current apt, so far no strange encounters maybe cos my pets stink or i dont shower and the 3rd kind cannot take it =p

i wonder if i die, would i be like hovering around earth or can my spirit travel out to the universe :) if so, it will be so damn coooool!!! there are many things that happen which sometimes cannot be explained by science... like apparitions, luck, miracles etc
its an amazing world but its sad when pple are so caught up with the mundane life of just work and money...
by the time we appreciate the things around us, it might be the extinction of the human race looking at how global warming is rapidly on the rise and we are the cause of it all...