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Friday, March 21, 2008

Wilbur reminisce about school days...

its kinda strange that the close school frens u dont meet for a darn long time are the ones that really are updated with the real going ons in your life... or rather it applies to me... i mean i met up with ivy on tues... and in the next couple of hrs she knew of the stuff that even my close ex colleagues dont know abt... its amazing tt she still looks the same while we were in school (of cos minus the tatoos which i din get to see on her bod lah *grins*)... its great hanging out wif her after not seeing each other for a couple of years not to mention comfortable... i can be so liberal in my views without fear of being ostracised or judge =)

we are planning an STC gathering sometime end april... gosh, most of my classmates all look the same in facebook, macham like time froze since school days wor!! they dont seem to have aged one bit!!! seriously. jin pyn is kinda cool now... she majored in literature and wrote a children's book on saving the elephants... she's into wildlife conservation and stuff which is pretty amazing!!! strangely although i cant remember what i ate for lunch a couple of days back, i can remember jp cried during biology lessons while ms joan was dissecting the rabbit... i remember how she once told me that she doesnt like to go to the circus cos she felt that it was not natural for animals to so perform... yeah, she is an animal lover alright and she is pursing a cause which makes me feel paiseh tt i have not accomplished anything for the past 20 years as compared to her... i really admire her dedication *salutes*

sms meiling aka jessica yest, she may be not be able to join us for the gathering =( ... hope ivy can persuade her ... we (meiling n me) exchanged a couple of sms and both of us were like blunt and frank with each though we have not communicated for the past 20 years or so but both of us were not offended cos it was how we communicated back i sch days too haa! *smiles* i could imagine how she would have spoke those words in her sms to me :) she always made us laugh during school days ... i remember gg to her house after school ... her mum had a hair salon downstairs while they lived in the apt on the 2nd level... and we would always go through the salon walked up the stairs to get to her flat :) we frequently ate at the nearby market, the wanton mee was good stuff (where the mee was transparent kind) ... we did have our petty quarrels back then too hahah...

so many thoughts of the happy go lucky days of school are just swirling in my head ... gg to minsi house and seeing her white spitz... think later i wil go dig up the old photos :)

btw, i'm starting to believe in ivy's horoscope stuff on compatibility of the star signs ... or just maybe i just need a reason for not getting along with some of my frens *winks*...