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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Wilbur does grocery shopping!

bought $50 plus worth of pet food/treats at PP pet lovers centre then proceeded to ntuc to get groceries... i really should practise self restraint man... i got a trolley and that is when hell breaks loose... i will start throwing stuff in without thinking whether i could manage carrying them back home =p luckily b4 proceeding to the cashier to make payment, i saw those big grocery bags to save the earth and i bought one... the cashier managed to dump all my purchases into the big bag and i carried it over my shoulder while my hand was carrying the plastic bag containing the pet food... its like 5-10mins walk back to my apt and i swore the whole right arm which was carrying the huge bag of groceries was gg numb... but i dont think i will ever learn my lesson hahaha...

after coming back home from grocery shopping, i fed the dogs and was out of the house again... this time i went to liang ct kinokuniya to get my monthly stash of fashion mags... if u are thinking tt i siao go all the way there, its cos these are taiwan or hk ones lah... bought a cantonese cuisine receipe book as well haha... not that i will ever cook in the near future but was preparing for my retirement... sounds crazy rite?!! but that is just me lor... actually its also cause the book is very pretty... like a pocket notebook... simple plain white book with just a intricate motif on the front... if u realise by now, i dont post pics into my blog... i'm not one who is big on technology lah... a bit lazy to learn and find it leh cheh i still old fashion... i mean last time write in those diary already never bother to put pics etc now put more troublesome *shakes head*...

brrr... the wind blowing in from the kitchen is si bei cold lor... hairs are standing man...

oh yah, got to relate this sicko incident i witness in the bus on my way home... this lao ah pei dig his teeth and wipe his hands on the seat... i was like OMG! so disgusting lor... i wish there n there that some bird who is suffering from a bad tummy would just lao sai on him lor...

when i got back home, i looked out of the window into the sea and saw like a spark of orange light travelling through the nite sky... i thot that some space shuttle was taking off until i saw another one emerging from the sea area... fascinating! i'm a sucker for anything in the sky... sadly, i have never seen a shooting star, wish to see one... some say its bad luck while other say its good... i just think its phenomenal =) ... my dream is to go to the largest observatory in the states and see the night sky through the lens of the ginormous telescope =)... i'm just fascinated with the universe, planets, stars etc... i remember once i was out with CK and we laid down on the wooden planked floor boards of west coast park and talked abt the universe... like is there another earth-like planet whose inhabitants looks just like us? stephen hawkings theories makes me imagine that maybe there is many dimensions of past and present out there... till this day i wonder how is it that earth is the only planet that life could exist in the vast vast universe... surely if we could crossed the time warped, there wld be another planet(s) with pple just like us???

its amazing that religion, dinosaurs, big bang theory co-exist... does God look after the entire universe?? food for thot =)