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Monday, March 30, 2009

Love Sundays!

was totally worn to the bone yesterday ie. saturday... was in office with NY till abt 10pm... work sucks but oh well, a pig's gotta do what a pig's gotta do, work on the unfinished shit work of the irresponsible weed *grunt*

anyway so glad tat dragon picked us up! stopped by the whampoa food centre to da pau food, there's where i realised NY was totally clueless what good food was there though she lived nearby *wide-eye amazement* hahahaha... the market could get a bit unsafe for a SYT like her, so her parents kinda not let her wander there too often... yeah, the market was filled with uncles and ah peks when we were there... not the chess-playing kind but rather the kind that u see at the turf club on weekends - boorish.
was totally drained when i got home... sweet dragon cleaned up the home and it wasnt long before i was in deep slumber whilst watching Underworld: Rise of the Lycans

today woke up feeling a bit rested, poor dragon caught back the flu bug from me... he was tired from flu and from '=)' but he was such a doll cos he drove us to east coast to eat at sushi tei... damn! i should have ordered the shoyu ramen but thought i try their negitoro don... extremely the most terrible choice i made for the day... it sucked big time... looks like tampopo is the only place for my gourmet negitoro don =p dragon was smiling the whole time cos he said my face had 'sian' written all over when was eating it ;) thank goodness there were other dishes that saved their reputation =p

there was the car boot garage sale as well as some flea market thing going on, the weather wasnt too kind to the poor sellers as one moment it was pouring and the next it was scorching hot! it was the 1st time my face was drenched in perspiration but within like 20mins, i bought 1 handmade pouch, 2 hair clips and a nautical dress... yes. nothing can stop this pig from shopping =p but i guess i bought the pouch and clips as a form of encouragement to the sellers who made them and to support their craft :)

thot we were heading home when awfully sweet dragon detoured to cold storage katong upon hearing tt i craved for awfully chocolate ice cream... we ta pao tau kwa pau and his fave kueh kueh at katong across the street... while shopping for groceries at cold storage he saw pre-packed raw mussels gg for less than a dollar fifty! he decided to try his hand at cooking them and we bought canned tomato sauce and red cut chillies as well ... the result was applaudable! it was his 1st time trying but the gravy was tasty!

we watched 2 movies almost back to back, the day the earth stood still and bedtime stories... i like the message behind both the movies =)

well... that's my Sunday for you... will be snoozing soon... have to brace myself for another draining work week eeeeeeeeeeeeeee....