took this today at mr curry house before our order came :)
we had initially made an impromptu decision to eat at ellenborough market cafe but the buffet ended exactly at the time we arrived i.e. 2.30pm. the waitress manding the entrance counter was v nice though and offered us the phone no. to call to make reservations which must be at least 2 weeks in advance due to popularity *OMG*
love the myriad of colours! shot from meidiya supermarket after lunch... dragon was fooling around, waving his hands in front of the cam while i tried to take this shot =p
he seems to get totally embarassed when i take shots of everyday things and places kekekeke
this shot was taken like 2 weeks ago at coffee nations :) bumped into betsy and yiqian while intending to meet justin, kangwei and NY there with yen fuu