watched the movie just now. twilight is the new mills and boons whose male lead sweeps every romantic gal off her feet! edward cullen is charmingly dangerous but protective of his true love. the casting for the characters was right on. the dialogues were simple but witty.
i think i may prefer the movie to the book which i have yet to read :)
cos the movie would tend to fast forward the book.
call me jaded, my patience seems to be running short for love stories that drags endlessly =p
i mean gal meets vampire. both are madly in love so why cant vamp bite gal so that they can live happily ever after cos she would gain immortality and some powers as well?
maybe after following though countless shows, there are only 3 kinds of endings - happy, sad or inconclusive. of course some would say it's the plots that make the show interesting but it can be a tad predictable after a while.
“I don’t have the strength to stay away from you” - Edward Cullen
i once bore the same feelings and i'm glad that i din have the strength back then else the happy ending between the dragon and the pig would never be :)