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Monday, June 29, 2009


versatility = chen hanwei
no doubt about it!
he is able to get into character with such ease and acts with such conviction!

pretty dresses in a row :)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

lemon grass

love all things lemon grass!
food, drink, essence oil, u name it, i love it lol
including this photography company :)

In Memory of MJ (1958-2009)

Hope he is happy in Neverland :)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

new addition

this is new on macs menu :) sweet!

wilbur the hungry

anxiously waiting for my lunch to arrive now.
hungry like f--k lol that's why ronald is running on the double *grins*

where company matters

a cool friday is 3 gals having a good dinner at thai express followed by great live music at esplanade recital studio by one of the better local bands in SG :)

thank you lisa, ny, ngak, clement, victor tang (lisa's idol now lol) and the rest of the crew for a fab friday :)

grin tonic

gin tonic - the seemingly harmless concoction whose potency was unleashed in unsuspecting victims yesterday at phuture >=)

8 jugs shared amongst 9 caused 2 to succumb while the remaining 7 stood vigil by their side outside the club till half past 6 this morning lol

totally deadbeat from the night watch but as chaochao so aptly sums it up - "what an experience" heh

Friday, June 26, 2009

lesson for the evening

patience is rewarded with extremely generous servings and excellent service =)

for our wait, WZ, NY and me got extra servings of prawns and noodles for our hokkien mee at food republic.

the stall assistants ensured that our noodles were cooked to perfection and went the extra mile of peeling our prawns! steady pom pi pi man. perfect 10 on service recovery, no doubt abt it!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

random oinks

even good guys have rest days too;
like ying and yang, there always needs to be a balance =)

pursuit of happyness =)

after re-enacting WWII of droppin the bomb on unsuspecting citizens *chi ba boom* (imagine wailing raid sirens in background ;p), it's the unbearable lightness of being

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

blazer dilemma

mango sale black prep school jacket (a bit like the one in boys over flowers) for $105 but material not as fab or
the esprit black jacket whose material is absolutely great and super comfortable for $199.90... i'll be damn =p

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

happy brolly.happy duckie

bought this brollie recently cos its bound to cheer up any gloomy rainy day! yeah!

this duckie caught my attention when i passed the window display at suntec =)

the great houdini bunnie

catch it before it disappears in a flash =)
Up and Away Tuzki Bunny

a match of red & white

The Shanghai Dragon bag is a new, limited edition version of Gucci’s popular GG Boston bag. It has been designed in white GG coated canvas, a bold red stripe and the Gucci logo which is stamped in Guccio Gucci’s script. As a nod to China’s ancient culture and iconic symbolism, two brilliant red dragons swirl across the front of the bag.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Sunday, June 21, 2009

tweet, twit, tweet

"seems like more pple are becoming stupid cos they dont use their brains very much."

"panic, people! it's the goons invasion in SG, yikes! more zoolanders than zohans *screams*"

"damn those bad drivers! grrrr... eternal stalling of their vehicles be cursed upon them >=)"


what i like :) what MW likes ;)

the union jack rocks!

the only flag that is a fashion statement

fly me to the moon

or if that doesnt happen, then my wish is to visit the US observatory someday and see the universe through one of the world's largest telescope. it has been my dream since schoool days.

this was dragon yesterday evening...

all thanks to an irresponsible driver who cut into our lane from the right despite the very narrow space and nearly causing an accident... dragon chased him and wound down the window, that arse hole was ferrying his wife with a baby in her arm (arent kids suppose to be in child seats??!!)! he did not dare to look to our direction.
is it me or are there really a bunch of undeserving licence holders on the roads? it doesnt bother me if they harm themselves but no way should they put other pple lives at stake.

heaven's beauty

aurora lights from the north and south poles...
if i ever witness the sight, it would definitely move me to tears...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

hooo are u looking at? lol

how i would be if i get my golden ticket...


love etsy cos i managed to get both these quirky necklaces which i doubt is available in SG :) the ones sold locally are usu pretty common ones from tw or korea =p um boring!

got these 2 from esty as well, love them! consider them my lucky charms and i bring them almost anywhere *chuckles*

grand old dame

where it is still british here =)

LV Trunks & Bags Watch!

caught sight of this in the mag i was browsing while coloring me hair yest... dont think this colour is available anymore =p but this watch would definitely go hand in hand with loewe's denim bag with the red handle in my 'love loewe' post.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

to my true friend, MW

we are so much different, yet so alike in many ways
words need not always be spoken but we will know and understand each other
u are always so accommodating, especially when we went on trips - u boiled water each morning and poured me a cup; lying on our beds at the of the day and chat till we both fall asleep; having macs for breakfast almost everyday while in perth (i always rem the white tea incident lol); eating maggie mee in the 24-hr convenience store in korea and so much more :)
u will always invite me to your family outings;
i get along with your mum pretty well cos i'm like her lol
i stayed over the nite before ur wedding and was ecstatic to be a part of a life changing moment in your life
as u walked down the aisle, the joy felt in my heart was indescribable
even though now u are married, u still afford time for me - listening to my grouses, taking the trouble to find a solution to my sucky predicament, helping me more than i can ever imagine
u are a sister i never had, no words can express how thankful i am of this special friendship of ours, the extend u go to for me...

life is unpredictable and i dont want to hold back to say what my heart feels :)
i dedicate this to u...

For my Dearest Friend
Remember the times that we shared before
Though many years had passed away
A promised was made that was not meant to be broken
To always cherish and remember you in my life

Amidst the friends that I had in all these years
You were still the best of them all
A rare gem to treasure in my heart
Locked away without a key to be found

As we share the memories of our youth
You brought back the best times of my life
All the laughter, the craziness and the joys that we had
You inculcated them deeply within my heart

As I look at your face my dearest friend
Kindness, maturity and humbleness reflects in you
Your eyes are like a mirror looking and prying
Always searching to bring out the best in me

Ahh, now that you're back in my life once more
I feel like a small child again and again
Looking for a strong hand to hold on
As I reach for the right path that lays ahead of me

I wish to give you another solemn vow my friend
Years may pass away again in our lives
Somehow, somewhere we'll see each other once more
You'll always be my dearest friend at all times

By: Yollie M. Bunag

Monday, June 15, 2009

chic mischa

a different look from her usual but i dig this look :)

there's always a first time :)

1 pig, 1 dragon, 2 huskies were all together on sofa today.
the girls love it cos they always wish to be close to us.
feel like a bad parent sometimes when work takes me away from being with them much on weekdays =(

token of love

the pig is reminded how much the dragon dotes on her when he comes home with a tupperware of creamy durians and on the pretext tt he wants to eat it when actually he just wants the pig to enjoy it instead =)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

pig's latest indulgence =p

in hope that my tresses will be silky smooth as miss piggy's lol

extraordinary lives

books on the pig's list to buy