just before heading home :)

they resemble those monkeys in those children japanese stories which i used to read.

after walking for a couple of hrs, we adjourn to ah meng's restaurant. this salmon sandwich would be near perfect if the salmon was a bit less salty but the quality was amazing! i dare say it's even better than delifrance's!

chicken curry naan for dragon :)

orang utans feeding time

orang utan chewing on foot lol

feeding a fake tortoise

my ancestors lol

dragon's fave pic - he is totally mesmerized by its eye

'lobster claws' plant or so dragon says :p

dragon braving the extremely hot weather to bring me to the zoo =) here the sweet dragon is taking a break...

where sleeping lioness lies

ginormous paws of the lioness

poor giraffes stoning cos of the hot hot weather

totally intrigued by the weave of the web

tree-top walk to get closer look at the orang utans

love this shot as well

nature is so pretty!

dragon was pissed that there were no butterflies =p

the cranes were circling above

one pissed-looking aussie lizard

sleeping snapping turtle

restless white tiger that was pacing up and down

otters make such cute noises!

stony parrots

one refreshing mug of ice tea for the gila weather =)

the absolutely yummy chicken nasi lemak! both dragon and moi are totally impressed by the food served at ah meng's cafe, though a tad pricey but the taste, quality and portion was just right!