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Friday, August 21, 2009

ping pong pig kekeke

shuying invited me for a game of ping pong at the annex after work today :)
it was a last min jio heh
kam yoke was already playing with a colleague from the chinese translation section

shuying din perspire very much cos she just took the balls from where she was standing lol
she played table tennis like playing badminton waahahaha
well, i also not good also lor cos many times my shots were aimed towards their body parts =P not intentional of course!

all of us had a meal at streets (yeah upon my recommendation lol) before heading home =)
the chinese translation section colleague treated us to this meal =p wah lau pai say lor but payment was simply refused when all 3 of us offered... hmmm... it seems like a practice for pple to treat here... very generous wor.... all got ivy's character hee ;)