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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"does female elephants have horns too?" muahahaha

an early date with halloween =)

1 babe amongst 3 ghouls lol

the dudes =)

raid of the illegal dim sum hawker hahaha

escapee from Oz?? lol

dragon's fave of all - as Linus from Peanuts would say:" the GREAT Pumpkin!" kekekeke

drop dead gorgeous princess lol

yeah! we did! lol

the new emily strange =)

he should use mtm's patch for panda eyes whahhahahaha

damn! i was surprised twice! *scream, scream* hahahhaha

um, but we got out din we?? hee hee

some ghouls looked better than the living... now which is scarier??? ;)

one fugly ghoul =p

caught red handed! lol

yeah, she hates me alright! hahahhaha

red riding hood suffering from serious sore eyes *guffaws*

wah, super stylo wave of goodbye =) siao saa neh

freaky snow white =S no wonder her step-mum wanted to kill her lol

a cross between cruella de vil and snow white's step-mum heh

ghostly babes of the nite =)

1st ghoul i've seen with a smile *snigger*

shanghai tang babe... like her fan!

one freaking malnourished mummy cos he couldnt put food into his bandaged mouth hahahahaha

long chiam pass with edward scissorshands hahahaha
icky live scorpions

ny and kelvin lookin at glow-in-dark toys? muahahahaha

dragon sharing fish facts with kelvin heh

the beef bongo burger *2 chopped-off thumbs up (cause it's halloween mah lol)*