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Monday, November 30, 2009

logic vs eq

when i do housework, esp cleaning after the doggies, i tend to get frustrated and would be even more if i see dragon slumped on the sofa watching tv... i cant blame him cause it was me who commented tt he does a shabby job when he helps.

however, there are times when he sees me having to clean up a huge mess like yesterday - the doggies had a field time when we were out, they went into the loo and took out a couple of bottles of shampoo and bit the caps off the bottles, leaving a huge pool of shampoo on the kitchen floor =(,
and offered to help. of course, i told him it was ok and i din flare one bit while cleaning up the mess.

not too sure if he realised by now that my mood would always be lifted when he readily offers to help. i know tt sometimes he doesnt bother to ask cos the eventual reply would be 'no need'. it's how the brain process the info i.e. why waste effort and repeatedly ask when the expected reply at the end of the day is known but logic must sometimes be over-taken by the emotional quotient tt woman needs to be shown care n concern lol =)