we din manage to notice anything paranormal during our tour at fort canning, i guess our group was a too big and it might have put the spirits off heh... but did hear 1st hand from ramzah who took it upon himself to guard the keramat of sultan iskandar shah... he did have dreams and witness some sights while sleeping beside the keramat... i didnt feel uncomfortable whilst being ard the area... i guess the place was holy and i guess as long as you respect their space, they usu would respect yours too :) i couldnt believe this teenage boy participant though.... he kept shining his touch directly at the keramat which i thot was rude and invasion of 'their' space... hope he kena taught a subtle lesson by the ones he disturb =p
(R) took this for SY in hope that something strange appears... all we saw was an orb which was brushed off as light reflections =p kns lol
mr seoras
SY and me signed up for SPI's Parapsychology Seminar last friday. Special guests speaker was Seoras MacPherson (Paranormal specialist, storyteller, author of books about Celtic Highland myths and legends). At certain parts both of us were dozing off lol cos Seoras voice was rather monotonous =p i guess the interesting part was the Q&A session though we cant believe some of the qns posed by the participants - a bit duh and would have made homer simpson smarter than them =p there was an uncle attendee who came late and i presume the only reason he attended was to accompany his wife/gf ... he was was practically touching the soles of both his feet that both SY and me stared at each other in horror lol... it din help that he had greasy hair as well =<