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Monday, May 31, 2010

basic fundamentals

pple blog or have accounts like facebook to rave, rant, share their views, showcase their talents etc
most pple want to stand out and differentiate from others
but there are a few who blatantly copy other styles and they feel pleased when their friends indicate 'like' or commend their posts

this disgust me. utterly.

dont get me wrong, i'm not perfect and i do copy!
if i see a certain style i like, i rationalise to see whether the style can be adopted to make it my own by adding my personal touch to it in order to differentiate it from the original.

let's put it this way, if you are emo and grumpy by nature, dont try to act all happy and cheery by posting 'happy' stuff because it is apparent to the observant that you are faking it just to warrant commends from friends.

i wish i could do selective blocking for my blog...
only then will it show whether i'm just being a paranoid freak or not
the low lifes may stop posting stuff due to lack of 'inspiration' or they may finally create their own style
either way, it seems like a win-win situation
so maybe i should start requesting for this feature to be implemented ;)