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Saturday, May 8, 2010

the great wilbur workout =)

lunch at mcdonald's tea garden :) it was a while before albert, his wife, kam yoke and yvonne joined us cos they lost their way =p
(L) me needed an ice cream 1st to cool down from the heat! had my quarter pounder with cheese and onions sans the mustard, tomato sauce and pickles =)
(R) all of them ordered the EVM 'cept me lol... realised that all of them din like the hot & spicy shaker so i kapok one pack for my small fries heh, brought home the rest wahahhahaha *glee*
(L) interesting plant at mcdonalds tea garden carpark :)
(R) brain freeze! the discarded block of ice that had cooled our bottled mineral water in the cooler earlier :) the wheel in the background belongs to uncle albert's honda jazz :)
(L) cool vintage!
(R) a river runs through it :)
(L) yay! reaching back to carpark after walking for nearly 3 hours *phew!* caught sight these mimosas :)
(R) lucky to catch this dragon fly resting =) hard to catch them on cam cos they were mostly buzzing around :p
(L) love the pink glow that the sun rays gave this plant :)
(R) was intrigued by the shape of the tree on the right as it seemed to be bowing down!
(L) airplane or shuttle streak that seem almost parallel with the cloud! :)
(R) sprouts of yellow flowers :)
(L) hmm... the only red against green :) this was outside the PUB plant :)
(R) orange fungi!
(L) sole flower under a bush :)
(R) love the leaves pattern! they look interestingly shredded :)
(L) fun tags to the informative signages =)
(R) uncle albert, the smart bert hahahhaaha =)
(L) view from the top
(R) the group resting a level below the top of the jelutong tower :)
views from the jelutong tower =)
yvonne and me were the last 2 to reach the jelutong tower not cause we were unfit hor! cos we were capturing the pretty plants below on our cams lol ;)
(L) two hearts!
(R) gulp! staircase to climb again ;p
dont dare to take too near cos was afraid of the bee =p
damn! jiahui giving yvonne and me the thumbs down for being slow =p
(L) white furry :)
(R) the fruit opens up nicely :) just like another flower!
(R) gigantic ant!
(R) furry plant with furry leaves =)
(R) the little leave on this plants has different shades of green!
gross caterpillar =p that's max's fingers :p
durian tree has golden leaves!
jiahui and yvonne who are both born in the year of the chicken hahahhaha ;)
(L) damn! the long long staircase at the end of the tree-top bridge =p
(R) view from the bridge :)
(R) looking down from the bridge :)
(L) start of the tree-top bridge
(R) lingzhi? ahhahahahhaha ;)
kinda looks like the leaves of christmas trees :)
(L) curly leave that seem to open up only on certain times of the day :)
(R) dews!
(R) big lizzie hee :)
(R) reaching for the sun :)