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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

snap happy monday :)

my double scoop of vanilla bean and dark choc minus the calories as it contains much less sugar
rare is the dark choc ice cream which leaves a bitter aftertaste =) love it!

little twinkies!

kinda morbid but gotta to admit it is cool =)

precious clutter! =)

we are rainbow teapots! =)

for the efficient inspector who does multiple interrogations? ;)

vintage is the old new =)

for the arty scientist's home =)

a teapot that wants to be frisked??? =)

art & tea always go together! =)

my humble char siew bowl ;)

wee boon's foul tasting bowl of roe which even shu ying spat out ahahahhaha ;)

calamari & onion rings

love this spritzer of white wine and sprite :)

love the texture on the sticks =)