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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Melancholic Wilbur

sometimes i hate the fact tt i'm too considerate n nice but pple dont do the same back... makes me feel like an idiot... i wish to be mean but there r some pple whom u cant just blast cos then it will make them feel upset and pple will tend to take their side cos they are quiet... in the end, it's me, the plaintiff, who have pple accusing me of not being tolerant... excuse me! the fact that i blast basically means my tolerance limit has burst it's bubble due to constant inconsiderate words or actions by these pea brains!

over the years, i find myself covering for pple in their absence but no one covers me much, which is fine, but if you come back and start complaining incessantly of the amt of work you have, then pls go eat shit and just die... cos pple have been covering your duties on top on theirs and sometimes they even have to push aside their own work just to do yours. When u come back, how would one feel not to hear or feel any gesture of thanks but incessant complaining? i really wanted to give a tight slap across her face n just throw her down a flight of stairs... and can u believe this person could leave on the dot and still chat heartily in the morning despite having said she was bogged down with stuff... otak kembing, really! XY is really top notch when compared to her... geez... i just hope where ever she is gg, she would so suffer a terrible fate so she can wake up her idea... truly irresponsible!

feeling very downcast... it's not entirely attributed to SH's leaving but rather i missed the old batch of pple i used to work with like mingwen etc... all of us did not have a silo mentality then... it was never a 'me' first but rather we all helped each oher (even though it was not within our area of work or branch sometimes!) so that we din have to stay back too late etc... they offer help without the need for asking but now its so different... everyone for themselves and they just dont care... *heavy heart* it's getting so much harder to just grin n bear it nowadays... pple can leave on the dot while some of their older colleagues are staying back late everyday... no show of concern whatsoever... cos if they did, they would try to help their older colleagues resolve the issues so that they can go back to their family n spend time with them...

when i get out of the place, i hope to leave silently, no farewells and all cos' it doesnt matter anymore... i have lost the 'mojo' that made me stay all these years...
so sick n tired of everything in here... let the selfish con't their stay in their own warp silo world...

already thinking of snippets of wat to say when i leave...
11years just fleet through in a flash... feeling a little sad to leave... y a little? cos to me, this is not a permanent goodbye... though we may not be colleagues anymore, we will con't to be friends :) we could still meet up be it for tea, facial or shopping *grins* i'm pretty easy for most activities =)

working in AGD has enriched me in more ways than one which education alone could not do... i was like a young bottle of wine when i 1st joined but over the years, i have matured, my taste now richer and better and my journey ends here to see the outside world beyond the cellar :)
thank you all for eveything and that includes your patience, guidance, friendship, laughter... till we meet again, adieu...