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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wilbur cant stop!

hahaha.... guess couldnt blog the past couple of days so making up heh... yay, dragon coming back soon with pork porridge and yu sheng lalalala....

btw, had a bad experience at NDC... see my feedback to them below... NDC replied that they will investigate... see what they have to say lor... cuckoo-fied! btw, for the Subway feedback, the Filipino Mgr of the Funan outlet called me on the same day and apologised. He said that i could change the veges... too bad i wasnt offered any voucher lol but at least i got my point across lalalalala ... i think that sandwich artist should now know better than to f*** ard with me >;) serves him rite, if he was polite abt it my feedback tone would not have been that of a complaint...

Feedback Type: Feedback on Medical Services
When: 23 July 2008
Subject: Consultation Fees
Feedback and Suggestions: Earlier today, I had fedback on the dentist's service. This is in addition to what I had written in earlier.

The final procedure for my root canal was done on 21 July 2008 at about 10am. I'm experiencing great pain in the tooth as well as gums when I bite soft food such as bread and cherries. This started yesterday night. I called NDC this morning and told the appt staff of my problem. She said that the earliest I can see the dentist is 1 Aug as he's scheduled is packed. I told her that I could not wait till then as I would be going for a major surgery in SGH on 25 July 08. So I requested her to contact the dentist and ask him whether I should be concerned abt the pain as I had difficulty eating as it was painful. She called me back and informed me that the dentist asked me to come down to the clinic immediately. Within half an hr, I saw the dentist and he just did a quick check and informed me that it is usual for patients to have this sensitivity and pain for abt a week and proceeded to prescribe me painkillers. He issued me a charge form and I was out of the room within 10 minutes or less. It was at the cashier that I realised I was charged $40 for this short session.

If the dentist had told me of the pain and sensitivity right after my root canal surgery on Monday and issued me with pain killers then I would not have to come back as I would have expected the pain and not be alarmed. I should not have to pay for any consultation this time as it should be part of the patient care service since it is just 2 days after my surgery. Private clinics would not have charged for the consultation!

If NDC strives to provide better service than private clinics, it has a long way to go as my experience definitely drives me to visit private clinics in future.
I am expecting for NDC to refund the $40 consultation fees to me!