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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Magic in Every Moment

Electrons dance in front of your eyes and you call it color.
Waves of air sweep over you and you call it music.
The massive sphere on which you dwell rotates a few degrees and you call it sunset.
There is magic in every moment.

Behind even the most mundane occurrence is an entire universe of abundant wonder.

If you could sense every detail of something as simple as the falling of a raindrop,
it would completely overwhelm you. And yet raindrops fall all the time.

In every action, no matter how seemingly insignificant, there is a whole universe of power.
In every moment there are infinite ways in which to make a very real difference.
You are always streaming full speed through an abundance of options and possibilities.

See the possibilities. Feel the power. Make your own special magic today.

-- Ralph Marston