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Saturday, November 6, 2010

my maya * aztec astrology reading

Monkey: Some might think you a clown or entertainer. You do need attention and probably learned very early how to put on a performance to get it. It is very possible that you are an actor, artist, musician, designer or writer. You may also be multi-talented, able to switch from one art form to another with little effort. If you don't practice an art form you probably seek other ways to get attention, and in some cases, less socially acceptable ways such as flirtation and grandstanding.
Perhaps it is the cultivation and development of personality that is the core issue for Monkey types. The mask of the self, the social personality, appears to be the strong point, or the object of obsession, for those of you born on this day. You experience life as theater and the mask becomes all important. In careers where personal presentation is crucial to success, as in performing or sales, a developed personality is a real asset -- and it is to this type of career that you are probably attracted.
You are the type of person who assumes positions of leadership. By nature you are not a follower and therefore your choice is either independence or leadership -- but leaders get more attention. Your consistent self-promotion is often perceived by others as attractiveness or even charisma. You may also have a tendency to dominate conversations. However, these traits probably operate unconsciously. It may be that you are really quite insecure and need to compensate by getting the world to acknowledge your worth. However, sometimes you compensate a little too much and can be overbearing and overwhelming. But in spite of your nervous energy, constant talking (you may go to extremes here) and need for approval, you are probably quite competent, and possibly excellent, at what you do. You have a strong character and others should, and generally they do, take you very seriously.
In close relationships you may be reserved, cool and wary, fearful of getting deeply involved on an emotional level. You may fear losing your center to another and so you keep up a good defense. Another possibility is that you really don't want a close relationship and enjoy "playing the field" -- which is just another way of getting attention from the world. Your emotional distancing may be seductive to others as it lends an air of mystery to your already dramatic character. On the other hand, you also have powerful drives, a strong desire nature and a need for variety. Your sexual desires are probably strong and these may indirectly motivate you to accomplish things you ordinarily wouldn't. Your desire for leadership and attention is also behind your many accomplishments. Perhaps these drives are one and the same.
You are also a very communicative and curious person. You are interested in everything that passes in front of you and will go out of your way to learn how something works. You make an excellent teacher and are an equally good student. Mentally, you are capable of working with details, but you excel at generalities. This quality helps you immensely when it comes to handling a leadership position. Many less flamboyant natives of this day-sign become reporters, writers, lawyers or other communicators. You have good instincts when it comes to working with people. In fact, it is in the human arena that you excel, technical subjects without social interaction generally don't hold your attention for long.
The Aztec name for this day-sign is Ozomatli, meaning monkey, and they symbolized it with the head of that animal. It is the eleventh of the twenty day-signs. In ancient times those born under it were said to be clever, charming and dramatic, and they knew all the right people. Females born under it were said to be musical, graceful, but also easily persuaded in any matter. Today we might say that those born under this sign are artistic and flexible in their attitudes toward others. The Aztec god that ruled this sign was Xochipilli, the Flower Prince, a god of dancing, happiness and irresponsible sexual activities. One must keep in mind that the Aztecs were extremely puritanical when it came to sex and their views on this subject should be kept in perspective.
The personality of your day-sign is reflected in the planet and sign emphasis in your Western astrological chart. The zodiac signs Gemini, Leo and Aquarius, or the planets Mercury, Uranus or the Sun, are likely to be found in some type of emphasis in your birthchart. These are symbols of your unique individuality and your tireless mind. You may also have a strong or emphasized third house.