my first ever participation in a flea market and maybe my last *sniggers*... it was a good experience though i din manage to sell anything, location, weather and crowd was what contributed to my virgin flop :) i'm seriously not downcast nor upset, it was a fun experience and i'm give myself a pat on the back for not doing too bad in displaying my wares when i have never done it before =)
weather was erratic from the start and when we got there at 11am (set-up time from 10am) dragon was snickering at those eager beavers stall owners who set-up pretty early but only to have their stuff covered with plastic sheets cos it was pouring, while they stood in the shelter looking forlorn =p both of us played it cool and read papers in the car while waiting for Sushi Tei to open its doors art 11.30am...
after my warm satisfying meal of the claypot udon and dragon's clam soup, sashimi, shisamo and salmon roe, we headed to the flea area with my barang barang... i was allotted a stall on the 2nd level which had shelter, good and bad cos on one hand i din have to worry too much abt the rain and the sun but on the other hand, the crowd was freaking miserable... oh well... it's one or the other :) so in the end, when we were not swatting flies, we were snickering at the stalls downstairs who were at the mercy of the teasing weather... we decided to pack up early and also made up our mind not to turn up the next day cos we figure the turnout would be equally bad and besides the hot and humid weather made both my arms erupt with heat rashes which was bloodie itchy (these usu last for a couple of days =() there are times when you know you have to pull out early cos it's pointless to persevere when the cons outweigh the returns lol... this applies to other areas in life such as friendship too ;)
i have mentioned before that for all the bad that happens, good does comes after as well... and *drum rolls* Love Happy Daisies is finally featured in the December issue of Seventeen! *wooohooo* i was simply ecstatic when i saw the page and was grinning from ear to ear that even would make the Cheshire cat's look like a frown *lol* but of course such advertisement comes with great responsibility so have to brace myself and be up on my feet =)