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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Wilbur's Peeves...

came back from Sanjay n Jasmin's wedding not too long ago :) it was a small lunch wedding affair at Grand Hyatt, what's different from the usual weddings is that half of the menu is chinese while the other half is north indian cuisine :) Jasmin wore a hot pink sari which complemented her skin really well :) it's a 1st seeing a chinese bride look so stunning in a sari =) so much so that when the royal couple was on stage, many of the guests actually went upfront with their own cameras to snap the couple :)

truly happy for both of them, have known jay since poly days and in fact we joined agd together... he is one good fren and for those who dont think that platonic friendship between a guy and gal can exist, eat your heart out! *grins* ...

i guess it all boils down to whether the individual knows exactly what he/she wants and the ability to genuinely think of others first, if you do, things will be less complicated sometimes and you dont continually hurt those who love you... that's why i have less tolerance for pple who do not want to make a decision and hem and haw 365 days thru the year... goddammit! know that u are making other pple's life miserable and worse if you are hurting those who love u... the appalling truth is that these pple are just plain selfish and have never really loved...

being nice but having lots of things kept from the other party is not love at all... i have been down this road before...

my take on love...

  • when u dont wish or have to hide things from each other
  • when you accept honesty and not be mad/upset when it is spoken
  • when even walking down the street somehow he/she will come to your mind and make u smile
  • when even he/she reeks of alcohol, it doesnt put u off but turns u on *guffaws*
  • when he/she can be shabby but you will look beyond the appearance and still find him/her attractive (erm, but that doesnt mean you can slack on looking good for your partner)
  • when both put in the same amount of effort in giving and taking to make the relationship work
  • when he/she doesnt need to give you the world but just a cuddle, a kiss, a pat on the head to make your day
  • when both make each other laugh

last but not least

  • the physical intimacy is great! *hysterical laughter*